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Washington summer of 1978. 2 bigfoot creatures involved

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 9:44 pm
by darkwing
Encounter date: AUG 09 1978
Year: 1978
Season: summer
Time of day: before 3 a.m.
Duration: n/a
Story Originator: 2nd person
Reported by: The Track Record, No. 16, quoting Sandy and Tex Ja
Terrain: valley
Lighting: n/a
State: Washington
Nearest Town: Cougar (Pop. 100)
County: Skamania County
Coordinates: Lat 4614-- Lon 12205--
Distance to Town: 16 Miles
Number of Creatures: 2
Creature Types: one large, one small
Photographed: NO
Tracks: found later
Tracks Cast: NO
Tracks Photographed: NO
Creature Fired At: Bullet Missed Creature
Effect of Firearm: n/a
Superhuman Action: n/a
Trees Undergrowth: Species n/a, Variety: n/a, Tree Cover: heavy, Tree Condition: mostly mature, Tree Type: n/a, Tree Abborations: n/a, Undergrowth: n/a, Undergrowth Type: n/a
Slope: valley bottom, Slope Was Facing: East
Nearby water: creek
Distance to water: close
Substratum: n/a
Snow condition: n/a
Weather condition: n/a, Heat: hot, Wetness: n/a, Snow: n/a, Temp: n/a, Wind: n/a, Clarity: n/a, Humidity: n/a
JG Incident type: 3
JG File Date: NOV 1992
JG Source date: NOV 1992
JG Source type: newsletter
JG Source reliability rank: 6
JG Source incident rank: 6
JG Visibility Index: n/a
Related incident id: n/a
Sandy and Tex Jacobs were two of a group of nine camping two miles North of the mouth of Ape Canyon just off Forest Road N92 (Area destroyed in eruption of Mount St. Helens). About 1.30 a.m. their trailer rocked violently and something hit the side. Tex went out and heard something splash through the creek. In the morning they found about 35 footprints, some quite clear, of two individuals, 15 inches and 12 inches, very deep at the heel, no arch. About 10 a.m. they heard two "blood-curdlin" screams from the hill to the Northeast. Some tracks found near a blue huckleberry patch where both leaves and berries had been stripped. A Weyerhauser Paper Co. watchman, who had a trailer near theres, said his trailer had also been hit the night before, and he came out with a frying pan for a weapon and almost ran into "a big hairy man", which ran away. A lot of hair found, plus feces, a place where something large had urinated, and a strong, sickening smell around, not necessarily anything to do with footprints.