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Where the big guy crosses the highway

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:42 pm
by admin
There are some people who do not believe the legendary ape-man called Sasquatch (alternately “Bigfoot” because of the huge foot prints he leaves in the mud) roams around the woods here in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State.

Well, this photo taken April 22, 2011 by a mighty Chronicle staffer on U.S. Highway 2 will lay that unfounded rumor to rest once and for all.

As you can see with your own eyes Washington State (or someone else) has seen fit to erect a Bigfoot Crossing sign on Highway 2 at the Espresso Chalet stand at Index, WA on Highway 2.

You can read more about the Espresso Chalet and its relationship to Bigfoot in the Chronicle’s Sat. April 23rd front page feature story.

Anyway, suffice to say this sign ain’t there just to take up space and whistle Dixie.

There are some big, bad Biggy Foots that cross that highway all the time. Would we kid about something like that?
The infamous "Bigfoot Crossing" sign on HIghway 2 in the Sky Valley. Chronicle photo
The infamous "Bigfoot Crossing" sign on HIghway 2 in the Sky Valley. Chronicle photo