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Post by Rebelistic » Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:01 pm

Something more to think about when in the woods. There is some research that says that this hybrid is also mixing with dogs to create even more aggression because they are not as afraid of people. Some other the vocalizations we collect in the woods that is off for coyotes may be these critters.

Also with them moving more and more into metro/urban areas, some domestic pets are mysteriously disappearing. Food? Most likely.
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Re: Coywolf

Post by admin » Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:03 pm

Author: RebelSon [ Sun Jul 02, 2017 7:34 am ]
Post subject: Coywolf
Good reading, Thanks Rebelistic. This is one of my favorite subjects. Unbelievable how these never before heard of critters just keep cropping up. I believe that I had my first encounter with a coydog awhile back down on my brother in laws place. Around Summers Ar. When I first saw it, it was about 400 yards off stalking a new born calf. I then give chase in my sxs for about another 800 yards until it went under a fence. By the time I got the sxs stopped and pistol pulled, it had covered another hundred yards and disappeared down into a draw not to be seen again. Wish I would have had a long gun handy that day. If I had not seen the coydog it surely would have had the new born calf, although the calfs momma was on high alert and wasn't having any of it. At first I thought it was a big yellow dog, like a large yellow lab. But when it noticed me it stopped and turned to look my way. I new then it was no yellow lab. It had a coyotes head and tail, just larger. When it first took off, It was about 400 yards from me, so it was at that time in no big hurry until I took after it and started to close the gap. It's movements and mannerisms were all coyote. Where I had my problem was it was just so big and the color was off for a coyote, and then I had the little problem of my brain trying to figure out what I was looking at, just as you have heard in a million first time bigfoot encounters.

Author: joppa [ Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:34 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Coywolf
Those big fellas have been slowly moving south from the Great Lakes to Louisiana over the past ten years. It is only a matter of time before they spread East and West. I have not seen any reports other than in the Grand Mississippi Valley but they will soon be as ubiquitous as coyotes. Can any one say "Direwolf" ? You are going to need a bigger gun.

Author: YankeeSearch [ Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:13 am ]
Post subject: Re: Coywolf
Is this real? Because no kidding... my parishioners have been saying that there is such a creature roaming their property, been seen twice. To be candid, I thought they were sending their priest on a snipe hunt with my cameras and recorders... I have not minded because it is an area where there could be some BF/Sq/Yeti/DM activity...
So this Direwolf or coywolf exists?

I should add that I looked it up, and the shape of the sketch (and that was all it was... a sketch) was similar to the description given to me... that of a hyena.
Again, I thought people were messing with the two brain cells I have left... but seeing this article...

Is there evidence or other reports out there?

Author: RebelSon [ Fri Sep 01, 2017 7:40 pm ]
Post subject: Coywolf
YankeeSearch, you can go to YouTube and find some pretty good documentaries on these critters. They run in packs a lot I think. But the one I saw was alone. My feelings are, shoot on sight just like coyotes. I may sound mean but, coming from ranch land I can tell you they can be very dangerous and costly.

Author: YankeeSearch [ Mon Sep 04, 2017 12:20 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Coywolf
RebelSon wrote:
YankeeSearch, you can go to YouTube and find some pretty good documentaries on these critters. They run in packs a lot I think. But the one I saw was alone. My feelings are, shoot on sight just like coyotes. I may sound mean but, coming from ranch land I can tell you they can be very dangerous and costly.
Thank you!

Author: joppa [ Tue Sep 05, 2017 3:11 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Coywolf
Well the "Direwolf" is fantasy, from "Game of Thrones". The Coywolf is the real deal.

Author: YankeeSearch [ Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:12 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Coywolf
joppa wrote:
Well the "Direwolf" is fantasy, from "Game of Thrones". The Coywolf is the real deal.
Well, there is something out there shaped like a hyena...

I am planning on putting out more cameras. The beauty of it is that there has been SOME Sq activity.

As to Direwolf, I only saw a sketch... if it is not real, that might explain why it was ONLY a sketch.

Author: Rebelistic [ Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:40 am ]
Post subject: Re: Coywolf
The Dire Wolf is thought to be extinct.... But yes there are reports of them kind of critters from time to time. The Mena AR area is another one where they are seen. Those critters would scare me! The reports of the Ozark Howler are also described that way.

Author: YankeeSearch [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Coywolf
Rebelistic wrote:
The Dire Wolf is thought to be extinct.... But yes there are reports of them kind of critters from time to time. The Mena AR area is another one where they are seen. Those critters would scare me! The reports of the Ozark Howler are also described that way.
It scares me too... one reason I am doing this is because the woman has grandchildren of a size that might make a target.

Author: easttxwood [ Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:33 am ]
Post subject: Re: Coywolf
It's been too long. For awhile I was unable to log on. I have had a strange occurrence not more than a 2 wks ago concerning coyote. I had my 3 kids and we were going up to our land in Jasper county Tx to evacuate Beaumont after the storm.

This has been a place where I have had bf activity but not in a couple of years. It was 9pm and I pulled up to the gate got out and was working the lock and I caught movement coming from the tree line. To my utter shock I saw a 60 lb dog at a dead sprint heading straight at ME. I just froze and then as he got within 20yds I started yelling bc he didn't seem to see me. He seemed to be running for his life and looking right through me. He got within 5 feet and illuminated by the headlights I realized it was a coyote but bigger. He at the minute took a hop to the left and shot past me never slowing down. I realized behind him I believed I heard footsteps never seeing anything . I was so In awe of what had happened. Coyotes have always been skiddish of people and round 40 lbs. This coyote was the size of a decent sized lab. My hair stood up on end as my focus shifted to what I heard behind it? Wishing I had a rewind button in my head. It was not at all concerned with me but running for his life.

Since this...i have had other activity happen while I was evacuated with my kids and my neighbor also told me a story (That he didn't relate as booger activity) of 2 coyotes coming into his yard within 10 feet but non-aggresively. We talked about possible predators that may scare coyotes and he mentioned a 350lb. Hog being taken out out of his area he'd shot it and decapitated the head to hang it out of a tree with a bolt and stainless steel cable to get the flesh to rot away and later recover the head for an ornament for his deer camp. I know Texans and our taste for what is stylish? The hog was gone the next day. No drag marks, hair or blood trail. He said most of the blood was gone. "Like something picked it up and walked off with it. "

The next day when checking on the head on the cable...gone? The cable snapped in two! No head...I think possibly with the Neches and Sabine river bottoms flooded to record levels that the boogers may have moved into their secondary areas. Also two deer leases on both sides of my property that have been closed for 2 and 4 years are opened up...idk

Also...Dave Jett...i gotta new phone same number. I lost 50 percent of my numbers...please call me...Tom C. Just checking in with you to see how much I can't wait to retire only twenty years to go until I can move into the woods and live the glamorous life off the grid and call myself Kermit the Hermit...

Author: Rebelistic [ Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:17 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Coywolf
Wow! We have had deer come into camp on a dead run and stay close to us on a couple occasions but never a predator. That one would of shook me up.

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@ tjcarrell « Tue 7:11 pm »
can anyone point me to the report form that I’m sure is in here someplace??
@ admin « Tue 1:35 am »
Hey Yankeesearch, didn’t even know you were in chat, now you have the bug so bad you will have to keep going out to see another one. :)
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:56 am »
Anyway, as I stand before God, I did not make this up!
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:55 am »
Not saying it was Sq/BF/DM/Yeti... but it was strange. And I am locking my doors tonight for sure! :lol:
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:54 am »
And just I was turning away, I thought I heard snort -- which could have been deer or maybe cattle... but... I do not know.
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:53 am »
I did not have the creepy feeling I normally get in these situations... so I really do not know what to make of it.
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:53 am »
One detail I forgot to mention: the whoop had almost a human like talk after it on both occasions.
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:52 am »
I walked back to the other side, and thought I heard a knock...
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:51 am »
Cattle about 1/8th mile away disappeared... and strangely at that location: it sounded like something banged the metal fence. Not loud... but never ever heard it before tonight.
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:50 am »
Two whoops... and some deer scattering (they may have been scattering because of me).
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:50 am »
From 6:20 PM to maybe 6:45 PM CST
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:49 am »
I may have just had an encounter!
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:46 am »
Hi gang! I know it has been a long time...
@ BrianDriver « Sat 12:59 pm »
Good quality pics. How long were the cams out?
@ admin « Thu 9:09 pm »
Just to get the chat going, it’s going to take some time to move over all the data, but in the end, hope everyone likes the layout here.

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