Author: SensorTech [ Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:10 pm ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
You would have to take parts of the body back with you. A hand, the head and possibly a foot/lower leg. Then get the GPS coordinates (your smartphone has GPS, doesn't it) and head back to the house. There, get a lawyer because someone in a position of authority will want to take the parts away from you. That is my plan.
Author: Nightwind [ Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:23 pm ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
Great advice Carl, We all tend to forget, we can no longer collect artifacts, dead or alive.. Also Rebel Good thinking on What if, We all need a lot of what if's...
Author: Grayson [ Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:39 pm ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
I the armchair analyst on a tropical island say:
I don't think you'd need a part as big as a head or a leg. A finger or toe would be ample, easier to remove and carry and probably create less of a chance you'd be followed by other members of the troop wanting the part back not to mention seeming like less of a desecration of a body.
Before starting anything LOOK AROUND and make sure there are no living Bigfoot around who might not like you being there.
1. Document with photos
2. Remove two fingers
3. Get GPS coordinates if possible
4. In addition to GPS (If you have it) it might be good to carry a small can of spray paint in an obnoxious gaudy color to mark a tree near the body so that even if it is moved when you come back you can find the exact place again. I doubt other Bigfoot would remove all forensic evidence
5. High tail it out of there. Don't look back, don't stop and don't think about anything except getting out of there until you are in your vehicle and several miles away.
6. Once home call a lawyer and retain their services. If possible get them to your house.
7. Duplicate the photos and email them to the lawyer and then email them to yourself your mother and everyone on your contact list.
8. Call the press and get a reporter get them to your house and email the reporters the photos as well.
9. Call a neighbor and get them in the house
10. Call the police or other authorities and be sure that when they arrive the neighbors, lawyer and press are there. Should the LEOs desire offer to take them back to the spot in the morning. But, inform them at anytime they talk to you the lawyer will be present and the meeting will be recorded.
11. Give the authorities 1 of the fingers you removed. Freeze the other and give it to the lawyer.
12. Call up Rick Dyer and say "Hey a**hole, you need a new job"
Yeah, I've been called paranoid before.
Author: hunter [ Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:28 am ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
I would take a few pictures
(for my own personal viewing back home)
Step over the body and keep on walking
until I was out of the area and then not tell ANYONE !!!!
I don't need the level stress in my life
that being the person that actually found a b/f body...would create!
Author: therealsuperdave [ Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:06 pm ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
I would take a photo, get to cellphone range, call DW and standby for further instructions.
Author: Eric M [ Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:57 pm ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
If you email copies of photos, go the extra mile, download them to your computer, laptop, tablet, and store copies on a CD, DVD, or flash drive/card and hide in a secure spot.
Author: Rebelistic [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:13 am ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
SensorTech wrote:
You would have to take parts of the body back with you. A hand, the head and possibly a foot/lower leg. Then get the GPS coordinates (your smartphone has GPS, doesn't it) and head back to the house. There, get a lawyer because someone in a position of authority will want to take the parts away from you. That is my plan.
Nightwind wrote:
Great advice Carl, We all tend to forget, we can no longer collect artifacts, dead or alive.. Also Rebel Good thinking on What if, We all need a lot of what if's...
Yeah, I guess that is kind of what I was thinking too. If in fact there is a chance that Bigfoot will come and collect the body for hiding or burial, I think some of it is got to come out with you. I totally agree that marking the area with a GPS is crucial. In fact, I never go for a walk without mine. I also agree that legal advice is necessary, especially when a lot of times we are researching on public land.
Author: Rebelistic [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:29 am ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
Grayson wrote:
I the armchair analyst on a tropical island say:
I don't think you'd need a part as big as a head or a leg. A finger or toe would be ample, easier to remove and carry and probably create less of a chance you'd be followed by other members of the troop wanting the part back not to mention seeming like less of a desecration of a body.
Before starting anything LOOK AROUND and make sure there are no living Bigfoot around who might not like you being there.
1. Document with photos
Great point. The more pictures of better.
2. Remove two fingers
Another good point. One thing to if you have the ability to videotape the removal I think it would even be better.
3. Get GPS coordinates if possible
4. In addition to GPS (If you have it) it might be good to carry a small can of spray paint in an obnoxious gaudy color to mark a tree near the body so that even if it is moved when you come back you can find the exact place again. I doubt other Bigfoot would remove all forensic evidence
5. High tail it out of there. Don't look back, don't stop and don't think about anything except getting out of there until you are in your vehicle and several miles away.
I am kind of confused on this one, is it because of the possibility of another one being around?
6. Once home call a lawyer and retain their services. If possible get them to your house.
7. Duplicate the photos and email them to the lawyer and then email them to yourself your mother and everyone on your contact list.
8. Call the press and get a reporter get them to your house and email the reporters the photos as well.
9. Call a neighbor and get them in the house
10. Call the police or other authorities and be sure that when they arrive the neighbors, lawyer and press are there. Should the LEOs desire offer to take them back to the spot in the morning. But, inform them at anytime they talk to you the lawyer will be present and the meeting will be recorded.
11. Give the authorities 1 of the fingers you removed. Freeze the other and give it to the lawyer.
12. Call up Rick Dyer and say "Hey a**hole, you need a new job"
Yeah, I've been called paranoid before.
One thing about being paranoid, you always seem to be prepared.
This is why have brought this up for discussion. I think it is important for all of us to consider the possibilities of what we may encounter while in the woods. Some of the best ideas I have had my research, has come from other people.
Author: Rebelistic [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:32 am ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
hunter wrote:
I would take a few pictures
(for my own personal viewing back home)
Step over the body and keep on walking
until I was out of the area and then not tell ANYONE !!!!
I don't need the level stress in my life
that being the person that actually found a b/f body...would create!
You know Hunter, that is probably some very sane advice. But most people think looking for Bigfoot is insane in itself! And I completely understand what you are getting.
Author: Rebelistic [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:39 am ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
therealsuperdave wrote:
I would take a photo, get to cellphone range, call DW and standby for further instructions.
I agree, getting a hold of DW, or any other researcher with the MABRC should be done. This endeavor would be larger than I think one person can handle. And if other researchers are close by, going back and having a second set of eyes on the situation would definitely add credibility. Not only that, but it is possible with a large enough team that the entire specimen could be removed. With other researchers having evidence also would keep it from possibly disappearing from one. Again, this is a team effort and as such, the more people we can have involved the better chance of a very positive outcome. I am not sure if there is any formal protocol for this type of thing, but I do think if an entire specimen could be collected, it would be real advantageous to take it on the road from news station to news station in the larger cities around the area to get as many formal cameras on as possible. If the story can be verified by more than one news station, it would be harder for to be looked at as a hoax or for some organization to come in and take it over.
Author: Rebelistic [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:42 am ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
Eric M wrote:
If you email copies of photos, go the extra mile, download them to your computer, laptop, tablet, and store copies on a CD, DVD, or flash drive/card and hide in a secure spot.
Yes I agree with that to. I think to have extra copies of all of our research is a good idea. We know how reliable computers can be. And as another poster said, send it to friends, families and other trusted researchers, so that there are multiple copies of the data.
Author: YankeeSearch [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:13 pm ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
Shoot... if I got anything at all the might reveal the Truth, I would be calling you guys in a heartbeat... passing the data all over. I might even try to bury the poor creature, if I did not think the other members of the troop would kill me. But burying it would at least allow us to gather together and get a look at it. Actually all that would occur after I changed to non-soiled laundry and restarted my heart...

I nearly did that when I got that almost worthless recording.

Author: Rebelistic [ Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:49 am ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
YankeeSearch wrote:
Shoot... if I got anything at all the might reveal the Truth, I would be calling you guys in a heartbeat... passing the data all over. I might even try to bury the poor creature, if I did not think the other members of the troop would kill me. But burying it would at least allow us to gather together and get a look at it. Actually all that would occur after I changed to non-soiled laundry and restarted my heart...

I nearly did that when I got that almost worthless recording.

Now that is also a real good idea. I never thought about burying the body to help preserve it for a later time when a full team would be able to help with removal. As far as the fear factor goes, been there!! But one thing is for sure, the longer we do this the more we seem to become accustom to out there. Rocks just don't bother as much as they used to!
Author: Nightwind [ Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same bad results. We don't qualify for insanity, We get good results, Though we are a little nutty at times
Author: YankeeSearch [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:04 pm ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
Rebelistic wrote:
YankeeSearch wrote:
Shoot... if I got anything at all the might reveal the Truth, I would be calling you guys in a heartbeat... passing the data all over. I might even try to bury the poor creature, if I did not think the other members of the troop would kill me. But burying it would at least allow us to gather together and get a look at it. Actually all that would occur after I changed to non-soiled laundry and restarted my heart...

I nearly did that when I got that almost worthless recording.

Now that is also a real good idea. I never thought about burying the body to help preserve it for a later time when a full team would be able to help with removal. As far as the fear factor goes, been there!! But one thing is for sure, the longer we do this the more we seem to become accustom to out there. Rocks just don't bother as much as they used to!
I am not there yet. I know that stupid recording was probably a human... but my heart raced, and WILL RACE when I go back there to set up cameras. But I think fear is healthy... if you use it right!
I guess I need to bring my shovel with me now!
Author: Biggjimm [ Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:16 am ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
honestly, I would guard it until we could get someone in with the proper equipment to collect samples. We have no idea what kind of pathogens or parasites they are carrying, the last thing I want it to get squatchpox from fleas living on a sasquatch. This is a major reason interaction with primates in most parts of the world are regulated; they can carry bugs that can cross over to us and we probably have no immunity against.
Author: YankeeSearch [ Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: Re: What If You Found A Body?
Squatchpox... you are correct; I would imagine any germs would EASILY jump species and infect us... though I wonder how different the germs they have would be to us... but then I do not want to learn the hard way.