Will Continue Search
Continued From Above

by Rex Gilroy
It therefore seems to me that the aborigines were indeed aware of the existence of a secretive, herbivorous race of primate creatures. Scientists in Russia, Britain and America who have examined footprint plaster casts, even hair samples and other remains of the Yowie, Yeti/ BigFoot now identify them as a race of "relict hominids" that evolved from the giant forest ape, Gigantopithecus, which roamed Asia a million years ago.
The ancestors of the Yowie / Yeti/ Bigfoot are believed to have migrated out into Canada and Australia across the former ice-age land-bridges that once linked the continents. True, only physical evidence of any strange animal will ultimately convince the skeptic. It is for this very reason that researchers like myself continue to search the country. While thiere is definitely nothing living in Bedford Creek, a number of eyewitnesses have seem a striped animal identical to the "extinct" Tasmanian Tiger near Springwood and Blackheath.
As a conservationist it is my sole aim to prove the existence of any strange animal so that it may be given the sort of protection it deserves. I do abhore the practice of "tourist gimmicks" such as certain tourist-conscious towns offering rewards for the Yowie or some other mystery beast's capture. Such practices lead to idiots with guns and dogs searching the countryside bent upon shooting the poor creatures for a quick reward. These maniacs must be stopped. We must do all we can to ensure the preservation of our unique wildlife now, for tomorrow may be too late.
Kedumba Nature Display
Kedumba Emporium, Echo Point
“Giants From the Dreamtime”-The Yowie in Myth and Reality.
“Giants From The Dreamtime” is a scientific approach to the Yowie enigma, with a comparative study of “hairy man” footprints and their similarities with many giant-size and other fossil hominid and hominoid-type footprints found across the continent, a study of gigantism and much, much more.
There is much hitherto unpublished material of the author presented which will surprise many people, information too often suppressed, because it throws into question the long-established ‘conservative’ view of our ancient past as presented in university text books.
I also present sensible advice to any future would-be Yowie investigators. The reader will also be awed at the great many discoveries my wife Heather and I have made in all our years together in the field.
I feel privileged to be the founder of Yowie research and to have encouraged other, sensible researchers to follow my example. The search for surviving relict hominids in remote, hidden regions of the world, has been called the “last great search”, and it is both a fascinating and exciting one.
Rex Gilroy may be contacted at the Australalian Yowie Research Centre, PO Box 202, Katoomba. NSW 2780. Ph 02 4782 3441 or email New Email Address as of June 2009 randhgilroy44@bigpond.com on or visit our website : http://www.mysteriousaustralia.com/ or http://www.australianyowieresearchcentre.com/ or http://www.rexgilroy.com/