Momo By Table Rock Lake

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Momo By Table Rock Lake

Post by gojohn111 » Mon Nov 11, 2019 11:29 pm

Here's an article that has some interesting reading by Table Rock Lake again. Probably happens alot more than what we will ever hear or read in the local papers.
UPTEGROVE: Bigfoot seen on Table Rock Lake, again
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Posted: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 2:00 pm |
I wrote a column Saturday and patted myself on the back for having it finished a day early. I send the column out to newspapers in the Unknown Dimensions network every Sunday evening so they are on editors’ computers Monday morning, and usually write each week’s installment Sunday morning.

Then this morning I checked my inbox, read an email from a man who fishes Table Rock Lake regularly, and decided the column I had already written could wait for a later submission.
Eddie — he requested only his first name be used — left home early Saturday morning — June 20 —for the nearly two-hour drive to Table Rock Lake. He had scheduled his vacation months ago for the preceding week and intended to spend part of it fishing, but Mother Nature threw him a curve.
“It rained or was too threatening to go every day for the whole week,” he wrote. “Then when the beautiful weekend came up, I decided the yard work I needed to do could wait one more day and I headed for Table Rock.
“I was out on the water by a little after 8 a.m. and decided to try one of the coves on the loop west of Viola. I was about 15 feet out from the shoreline when something made a large splash just a few feet from my boat. My first thought was a fish jumping, but it had too much of a ‘kerplunk’ sound to it. Then within seconds I actually saw the second rock arc through the air and hit just a couple of feet of where the first one did. It was a little larger than a softball and it had come from far enough back into the brush and trees that it would have taken a champion shotput thrower to throw it that far.
“I barely had time for the strangeness of the situation to soak in when all of a sudden this huge hairy man-like thing reared up from apparently being crouched down in the brush, Judging by the fact that the four-foot tall bush only covered him from the waist down, he must have been close to 8 feet tall and built like a weightlifter. He was covered with dark brown hair over all of him I could see, but it was thinner in his face.
“Then all of a sudden he let out with a screeching scream — that is the only way I can describe it — and reached over and grabbed a sapling that was at least 2-3 inches in diameter with both hands, shook it a few times and then snapped it like a dry twig. That’s when I decided it was time to leave and as I turned the boat back toward the main part of the lake I looked back and he had his back to me and was walking away from the shore into the woods. I know it was a Bigfoot, no question in my mind, but is this typical behavior for one?”
Eddie provided me with a telephone number, and it should come as no surprise that I called him almost immediately for a follow-up interview. He was not a reader of my column, and until he told a friend who is about his experience, had no idea a Bigfoot had ever been seen in the Table Rock Lake area.
“I go down there often enough, I have gotten to know several people at bait shops, gas stations and restaurants. I have visited with many of them and never heard Bigfoot mentioned. Of course, I guess that is not something you would talk about to someone you just knew as a customer.”
He also mentioned another incident that happened a couple of summers ago in that same cove, and now believes — and I agree — that they may be connected to his sighting.
“I was night fishing and about 2 a.m. all of the night sounds coming from the shore stopped. There had been plenty of frogs and insects doing their night calls and all of a sudden they quit like you had flipped a switch. Then I heard a loud cracking noise, like a dry limb being broken. I didn’t hear anything else for at least five minutes, and then the normal sounds slowly came back. Now I think I know why.”
This phenomenon has been associated with Bigfoot many times before.
Eddie’s experience has obviously ignited his curiosity, and he asked numerous questions about what to look or listen for, as well as the dangers that might be involved in exploring the area. I would bet dollars to donuts I have not heard the last from him. Stay tuned.
If you have had an encounter with any type of paranormal or unexplained phenomenon that occurred in Missouri or an adjoining state, I would like to add it to my ever-growing files. Send me a complete account, with as many details as you can. Include your name and a telephone number or email address I can reach you at if I need more information. Complete anonymity, if requested, will be observed if your experience is used for publication. Send accounts and comments to and I will respond.
I think Momo's been at Table Rock awhile judging by a 1963 post also.


1963, Table Rock Lake, Missouri: Bigfoot Almost Causes an Accident

Erica Clemons was driving from her family’s campsite near Table Rock Lake. She was cruising along Bread Tray Mountain Road on her way to the small local grocery store to pick up a can opener that her husband forgot to pack.

It was early evening and the sun was just about to set, Erica took note of the way the sun played in the trees. Just as her car turned around a steep bend in the road, she slammed on her brakes. The family’s station wagon screeched and swerved in to the other lane.

Standing in the middle of the road, about twenty five yards from Erica’s front bumper was a gigantic Bigfoot. Erica had heard her husband tell the kids bedtimes stories about the gentle monster that lived in the Missouri woods. She did not approve of the stories then, and now looking creating her very own story, she was even more upset.

Erica remembers waving at the Bigfoot to move. She yelled through her closed windows. The creature seemed to shrug at her before continue its slow lumbering pace across the road. Erica remembers thinking that it really did seem the Bigfoot was taking his time on purpose.

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Re: Momo By Table Rock Lake

Post by Rebelistic » Mon Nov 11, 2019 11:31 pm

There is everything they need there so yes it is prime area. With some investigation it is pretty apparent that they have become accustom to living around people as there is some reports from various campgrounds in the area.

In my opinion, the Ozarks are definitely do have them in it and is prime areas to do research.
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@ tjcarrell « Tue 7:11 pm »
can anyone point me to the report form that I’m sure is in here someplace??
@ admin « Tue 1:35 am »
Hey Yankeesearch, didn’t even know you were in chat, now you have the bug so bad you will have to keep going out to see another one. :)
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:56 am »
Anyway, as I stand before God, I did not make this up!
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:55 am »
Not saying it was Sq/BF/DM/Yeti... but it was strange. And I am locking my doors tonight for sure! :lol:
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:54 am »
And just I was turning away, I thought I heard snort -- which could have been deer or maybe cattle... but... I do not know.
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:53 am »
I did not have the creepy feeling I normally get in these situations... so I really do not know what to make of it.
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:53 am »
One detail I forgot to mention: the whoop had almost a human like talk after it on both occasions.
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:52 am »
I walked back to the other side, and thought I heard a knock...
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:51 am »
Cattle about 1/8th mile away disappeared... and strangely at that location: it sounded like something banged the metal fence. Not loud... but never ever heard it before tonight.
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:50 am »
Two whoops... and some deer scattering (they may have been scattering because of me).
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:50 am »
From 6:20 PM to maybe 6:45 PM CST
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:49 am »
I may have just had an encounter!
@ yankeesearch « Tue 12:46 am »
Hi gang! I know it has been a long time...
@ BrianDriver « Sat 12:59 pm »
Good quality pics. How long were the cams out?
@ admin « Thu 9:09 pm »
Just to get the chat going, it’s going to take some time to move over all the data, but in the end, hope everyone likes the layout here.

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