I Wish to express my deepest gratitude to the following people, without whose assistance, often spanning many years, this book might not have been written.
My wife and fellow researcher Heather, who has worked tirelessly, and often for long hours, to put my typed manuscript on computer disc ready for the printer, and attended to all associated business problems while I manned the typewriter (manual). Together we have carried out searches Australia-wide, and made repeated visits to New Zealand, in the course our our countless field expeditions, investigating evidence of the Yowie and his Kiwi cousin, the "Moehau". Without Heathers assistance it is doubtful that I could have accomplished many of the great discoveries I have made in our almost 30 years together.
This book is also dedicated to:
The open minded, free thinking visionary, who does not know the meaning of the word "impossible".
The field-working, rugged adventurer who never stops at the foothills, and always wants to see what lies beyond the next mountain.
The dedicated individualist who has the courage and fortitude to defend his or her ideas, regardless of overwhelming opposition.
All those who against all reason, dare to dig deeper than anyone before them in their search for the truth.
Greg Foster, with whom I have searched for, and found hundreds of fossilised 'modern' and giant-sized hominid and hominoid footprints on the Blue Mountains of NSW. A very special 'thank you' is also extended to Greg, for his tireless, and very much appreciated, assistance in the setting up of our website,( Mysterious Australia Website click here ) which has done so much to reveal our years of dedicated research to world-wide audiences. Greg spent an entire year on this task. Words fail me in describing the great job he accomplished in this regard. His expert knowledge in all computer matters and continuing assistance has helped make our website the largest of its kind in Australia.
The late Don Boyd, editor of "Psychic Australian" (later re-named "Strange Phenomenon") magazine, for giving me my first major breakthrough as a writer during the mid-1970's and early 1980's. Don urged me to produce a book of merit on the Yowie/"hairy man" mystery. This book is largely due to his encouragement, and I am certain he would be delighted with the results. Through "Psychic Australian", and also his later science fiction magazine "Futuristic tales", Don Boyd gave many young writers their start. His magazines were podiums for the presentation of theories and evidence backing them up, which conventional, conservative university-based scientists and historians found unacceptable, but then Don Boyd didn't give a damn about 'convention', anymore than his loyal followers even today, including this author!
Another special 'thank you' to Don Boyd and our mates Geoff Holland and Evan Rainer, with whom I spent many enjoyable days over the years on Yowie, lost pygmy tribes, giant monitor lizard, Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine), Australian Panther and other expeditions deep in the Australian bush. My last happy memory of Don is the image of him standing upright, precariously upon the tallest pinnacle of the Ruined Castle rock formation, in Jamieson Valley below Katoomba NSW during our last (October 1998) Yowie investigation together with Geoff and Evan. Don (who told no one of his battle with cancer) thought nothing of heights anymore than he thought nothing of upsetting the establishment. Well done old mate!
I also express my gratitude to other researchers who have passed on:
The Late Charles Melbourne Ward, FRZS who during the 1950's and 1960's supplied me with many early settler's accounts of the 'hairy man' of the Sydney-Blue Mountains region, and who was also the first colleague to suggest I should write books on my researchers.
The late Kenneth Beames of the Linden NSW Observatory who kindly provided me with his paper on the "Hairy Man of New South Wales", which contains a wealth of early settler's sightings and 'close encounters' with the Yowie.
The late HE 'Lyn Clarke, who provided me with so much of his expert knowledge on the 'hairy man' of New Guinea, gathered during his years as Assistant District Commissioner in Papua New Guinea.
Other special thank you's are due to fellow enthusiasts Andrew Leese and Erik Spinney, with whom I have searched the Kanangra Boyd Wilderness for "hairy men and women" .
Ian Fenton, who introduced heather (my wife) and I to the vastness of the Mt Royal range, whose wilderness has been the home of the "Hunter Valley Yowies" since the Dreamtime.
American researcher and writer/publisher David Hatcher Childress, who together with my colleague, Duncan Roads, editor of NEXUS magazine, gave me the final 'kick start' as an author encouraging me to write my first book, the highly successful "Mysterious Australia"" (NEXUS Publishing 1995). This, and all my other books written since "Mysterious Australia" are a result of this momentum.
George Partridge, who introduced heather and I to the dense forest country of the Hanging Rock-Nundle region, driving us deep into country fit only for his 4 wheel drive Landrover, in our search for evidence of the Yowie. Thanks George I located many recently-made, as well as ancient stone tools of these relict Homo erectines. George had a personal 'close encounter' with a large "hairy man" at Hanging Rock as a child and took me to the very site of his encounter (see Chapter 13 in "Giants from the Dreamtime, The Yowie in Myth and Reality")
Mike Porter, of Brisbane Qld, computer artist extrordinaire, who did such a splendid job on my previous book "Pyramids in the Pacific" (Uru Publications), has once more excelled himself with the cover design of "Giants From The Dreamtime".
Joy Colley, to whom I am very grateful for donating to me the small red ironstone (mineralised) hominid skull, found be her at Essington outside Oberon NSW and which had originally been covered, and thereby preserved by volcanic ash and mud. Research is continuing on the age of this important fossil.
Ann Taylor, for assisting me in the field whenever Heather needed a break. Also for supplying me with photographs of New Guinea and Tasmania pertinent to 'hairy man' activities.
My friend Mark Slater, for his kind donation of old magazine and newspaper articles concerning my researches into the Yowie Mystery going back at least 20 years. Much of this information appears in this book, or will be used in future publications now in the planning stage.
Roy Satterthwaite, another good friend, for his kind assistance in providing me with information concerning Yowies inhabiting Sydney Cove in the early years of British settlement there, taken from a very rare book, in his possession; Modern Geography a description of the Empires, Kingdoms, states and Colonies; with the Oceans, seas and Isles; In all Parts of the World." by John Pinkerton, published in 1804.
Alan and Ann Westrip, for their great kindness, support and encouragement to Heather and I in our ongoing researches, which is very deeply appreciated.
If by chance I have forgotten anybody, please accept this sincere 'thank you' for the part you have played in the development and publication of this book.