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"An Association of Researchers Investigating the Bigfoot / Sasquatch Mystery"

General Membership Questions

I understand that NESRA is a non-paranormal Bigfoot investigation association
and I will not argue or debate such issues with other NESRA members

Yes       No

I believe I have had a sighting or encounter with a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature

Yes       No     Not Sure

I am willing to submit my sighting(s) and/or encounter(s) to NESRA
by filling out the sightings and encounters form on the NESRA webpage

Yes       No    N/A

I have a collection of sightings and encounters that I am willing to make
available for inclusion in the NESRA sightings and encounters data base

Yes       No

Days and nights you are most available for field investigations

I am willing to travel to other states occasionally for field investigations

Yes       No

I am willing to travel to other states occasionally for association meetings

Yes       No

I am willing to contribute financially towards the maintenance
of the Northeast Sasquatch Researchers Association (NESRA)

Yes       No

I am willing to recruit new NESRA members and
investigators when I have the opportunity

Yes       No

I am willing to advertise as a proud member of NESRA on my website

Yes       No      N/A

I am willing to volunteer some of my time for the
development and upkeep of the association

Yes       No

 Conditions of NESRA Membership

I understand that NESRA is a non-profit association that is currently overseen by a board made up the five initial founding members, and a sixth non-voting treasurer.

I submit this membership application in the hope that I will be accepted as a new member of NESRA, the North East Sasquatch Researchers Association. I understand that NESRA is an association of individual researchers and investigators that have joined together to combine their knowledge, skills, experiences and resources in a group effort to solve the Sasquatch/Bigfoot mystery. I understand that while NESRA encourages its members to be free thinkers and to develop their own ideas and theories about the many possible origins, habits and activities of these creatures, NESRA's official policy is that they are living, natural beings and not aliens, ghosts, demons or supernatural beings.

I also understand that NESRA is an association of serious, dedicated, honest and trustworthy researchers/investigators who expect and demand the same qualities in anyone who is accepted as a new member. I understand that the reputation and credibility of NESRA are vitally important to its success and that if any of my individual actions or statements damage NESRA's reputation or credibility this can result in my immediate dismissal.

Yes       No

Statement of Intent

I solemnly swear and affirm the following:

My only intention in becoming a NESRA member is to research and investigate the Sasquatch/Bigfoot mystery in an attempt to solve it.

I will not take part in any kind of hoax attempt at any time while a member of NESRA. This includes attempting a hoax involving any type of faked or created audio/video tape, photograph or physical evidence.

If I have advance knowledge of another person attempting to hoax NESRA, I will immediately inform NESRA of the hoax.

In the process of investigating the validity of alleged Sasquatch/Bigfoot sightings or encounters, I will never publicly disclose any sensitive NESRA information entrusted to me. This includes eyewitness contact/personal information, exact location of sighting/encounter and the name of the land owner where the sighting/encounter took place.

I have read, understood and answered all of the application questions truthfully. I have also read, understood and fully agree to all the above conditions for membership in NESRA.

Yes       No

Application Fee and Yearly Dues

I understand that there is a one-time application fee of $25 dollars (USD) and a yearly dues of $25 dollars (USD) for the support of the NESRA website, forums and outings

Yes       No

First Name

Last Name

Street Address

Address (cont.)



Zip/Postal Code


Home Phone


By filling out the contact/personal information fields above and submitting this application to NESRA, you are affirming that you have understood this entire application and that all of your contact/personal information is correct and your own. You also affirm that you have not falsely submitted this application on behalf of another person.


Click on the PayPal button above to pay the application fee.
Click on it a second time to pay the yearly dues. Thanks!

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Copyright © 2005 North East Sasquatch Researchers Association (NESRA)
Last modified: 03/06/06

Portions of this website are reprinted under the Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law as educational material without benefit of financial gain.
This proviso is applicable throughout the entire website.