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If you believe you may have had a  Bigfoot encounter, we want you to know that you're not alone. Thousands of Bigfoot sightings and encounters have been documented over the years in North America and around the world. Scientists, law enforcement officers, forest rangers, military personnel, hunters and many other credible individuals have had unexplainable encounters with large, upright hairy creatures known by Indians for hundreds of years as Sasquatch. At NESRA we understand the pressure modern society can place on witnesses of such creatures and we want you to know that you're not crazy. We believe that more than 75% of Bigfoot encounters are never reported for fear of being ridiculed or not believed. Sure, there have been a handful of hoaxes over the years. But this cannot account for the thousands of reports Bigfoot investigators around the world have already collected and the hundreds more that are added on a yearly basis. It's important that you come forward and share your experience with specialists such as those who belong to the NESRA investigation team. Your name and personal contact information will never be disclosed to the public, and NESRA investigators will do their very best to provide you with information and assistance in order to help you to best deal with your encounter. We truly care about you.

Most have only had fleeting encounters with various size and color Bigfoot-type creatures. These reports are important because they help us search for trends and patterns in Bigfoot behavior. But if you are among the few who have experienced ongoing harassment by such creatures around your property and/or home, you have come to the right place for help! At NESRA, we have specialists who can assist you in handling these sometimes terrifying experiences. If this is the case, please indicate such on the form below. We will handle it as an extreme situation and treat it as a very high priority.

The North East Sasquatch Researchers Association (NESRA) primarily investigates encounters located the Northeast US and Canada. However, we will receive sighting reports from any location, including other countries. Your encounter information is extremely important for the research, study and preservation of these rare and elusive primates. Please take the time to share your encounter with us by filling out the form below. Your name and contact information will only be viewed by an official NESRA investigator and will never be disclosed to the public.

Hoaxers and pranksters will NOT be Tolerated. If this is
your intension you need not continue. You will be found out.

Was this a sighting or an unusual encounter or both?
(An unusual encounter would be a strange vocalization
accompanied by a rotten or musky smell, rocks or sticks
hurled at you, large unusual footprints, strange wood knocks
at odd hours or unexplained animal kills etc.)

A sighting (or sightings)       An encounter (or encounters)

Was this a brief glimpse or encounter? 
Or an ongoing harassment situation?

Brief Encounter(s)       Ongoing Harassment

If this is a harassment situation, is the
activity currently taking place:

Describe your encounter (or encounters) as vividly as you can.
Take your time with this. What did you see? What did you hear? What did you smell? What did you find? How did it make you feel?
How did you react? If others were involved, what did they say?

In what year (or years) did this occur?


In what season (or seasons) did this occur?
(Hold down ctrl to select more than one)

In what month (or months) did this occur?
(Hold down ctrl button to select more than one)

What time (or times) of day or night?

What were the weather conditions like?

Please describe the lighting conditions:

What activities were you engaged in at the time?

Were there any other witnesses?

List the nearest town or city:

List the closest road or highway:

In what State or Province did this encounter occur?

Please provide detailed directions to the location.
(Only a NESRA researcher will access this information.)

Describe the terrain. Is it deeply forested?
Hilly? Rocky? Swampy? Rural?

Are there any notable landmarks close to the
encounter location? (caves, bridges, ledges etc.)

Was there anything else unusual worth mentioning?
(Smells, odd feelings etc.)

Do you know if any one else has had
similar encounters near this location?


(Remember, only a NESRA researcher will access this information.)

Please provide the following contact information. All contact information will be kept confidential. A NESRA investigator will contact you by e-mail or phone as soon as possible to verify the report and provide counsel and assistance with your encounter if necessary. All information will be kept safe from the prying eyes of the public and there will not be a "stampede" of people running through your property or anyone else's. Your information will be carefully handled by an experienced NESRA investigator who will work closely together with you to find a solution to your experience or just to listen to your story. You're not crazy! Hundreds of others around the world have had similar experiences! After a NESRA investigation of some type has been conducted, your encounter will be added to our database for the purpose of monitoring the patterns and behaviors of such encounters in your area. None of your personal information will ever be disclosed to the public.

First Name

Last Name

Street Address

Address (cont.)



Zip/Postal Code


Home Phone



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Send mail to nesra@nesra.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2005 North East Sasquatch Researchers Association (NESRA)
Last modified: 03/06/06

Portions of this website are reprinted under the Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law as educational material without benefit of financial gain.
This proviso is applicable throughout the entire website.