We want to welcome you to the website of the
North East Sasquatch Researchers Association (NESRA). NESRA is an
association of independent researchers and individual organizations who
share our theories, experiences and resources in hopes of discovering
solid, scientific proof for the existence of the creatures known as
Bigfoot or Sasquatch. While we encourage independent thought among our
members, we want to stress that as a group, we do not subscribe to the
idea that Bigfoot is anything other than a ‘flesh-and-blood’ animal.
Bigfoot or Sasquatch-type creatures may be rare, elusive and unusual,
but they’re in no way supernatural.
We here at NESRA hope to become one of your definitive sources for
information on all things Bigfoot. Although this site is still "Under
Construction" our goal is to supply you with the latest news involving
the ongoing search for these creatures as well as with some of the
oldest and newest stories about eyewitness sightings and encounters.
We’re also working hard to assemble a comprehensive, multi-criteria
searchable sightings and encounters database for use in undertaking
your own Bigfoot investigations.
Most importantly, on this site you’ll have the opportunity to report
your sighting or encounter to our database or weigh in on ongoing
research projects and share your ideas and experiences on the NESRA
message board. On our board, you can feel comfortable about sharing
your views without the risk of ridicule, as we will make the extra
effort to keep our board a friendly place.
The NESRA team is a group of everyday people from all walks of life who
share a common interest in Bigfoot and specialize in field research.
You will find that as our efforts increase, we will add a wealth of
articles about Bigfoot outings, field safety and NESRA expedition
reports. We also recognize the need for "armchair" research, as this is
invaluable to our search. We firmly embrace the idea that Bigfooting
should be fun for all!
Your questions, comments, suggestions and ideas are welcome and will
serve to further the effectiveness of NESRA. We encourage you to become
part of the NESRA team. Bookmark this page and check back with NESRA
often as we will be adding new and interesting content to our site on a
regular basis, including; recent sighting and encounter reports, field
reports, outdoor safety articles, tracking techniques as well as
interviews with our researchers and investigators and much more.
Yours for the cause,
Adinolfi (BigDaddy)
One of the Five Original Founding Members
Saturday, June 10th, 2005
