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By David Thomas King

The North East Sasquatch Researchers Association, or NESRA, was born in a small restaurant in Hartford, Connecticut on Saturday, February 12th, 2005. But before I share the details of how this all came about, I think it's best that I tell you a little about myself.

First of all, my name is not David Thomas King. I simply use DTK as an alias for now because I'm a church-planter and a public figure in the Northeastern region of the United States. I'm the host of a television talk show that reaches several million viewers each week and I regularly speak to large gatherings across the nation and around the world. My travels have taken me to thirteen nations and through forty two states. I'm also a prolific writer. I've written 23 books so far for well-known individuals, as well as two of my own which have been published.

Yes, I'm a Christian. Not only that, but I'm an ordained minister who is into Bigfoot research as a side hobby. My main goal in starting NESRA was to unite Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers in the northeast around one common cause; proving or disproving the existence of the legendary creature called Sasquatch or Bigfoot. I have no desire to get into debates about evolution, God or politics with you, or with anyone else. I simply want to explore the evidence that seems to strongly indicate that we may have a small population of uncatalogued bipedal primates, stomping through the forests of the eastern United States.

Unfortunately, those who believe that Bigfoot may possibly exist are often looked at as nuts and weirdoes. People are not as open to this subject in the Northeast  as they are in the Southern or Western States. At this time in my life, I'm not ready to sacrifice my public credibility for my favorite side-hobby, which is Sasquatch researching. Maybe someday I'll "come out of the closet" so to speak, but for now, you can just call me "David."

My "Bigfoot" Biography

David was the guy in the Bible who dared to invade the giant's domain and stand face-to-face with him. Thomas was the skeptic who wouldn't believe without seeing. David became king once he saw the giant with his own eyes and overcame him. That's the story of my life.

I've been fascinated by Bigfoot stories since I was a kid. I remember scary tales told around the campfire at youth camp, and Leonard Niemoy hosting an “In Search of” program on Bigfoot. I also remember seeing the terrifying documentary-style theater release of The Legend of Sasquatch. Maybe some of you remember that? (I've been bugging my wife to buy me a DVD of that old release as a birthday or Christmas present! Hint, hint my precious!)

I spent my teen years hiking deep into the northeastern forests in search of evidence of this elusive legend. In 1999, Bigfoot research became an even more serious hobby of mine when I took a cross-country trip to do field research in various recent sighting locations. I investigated 22 Bigfoot encounter areas starting with Yosemite National Park, CA; Pit River, CA; Hayfork, CA; Willow Creek, CA; Orick, CA; Six Rivers, CA; several Redwood Forest sighting areas near Crescent City, CA; The Oregon Caves National Monument, OR; Skookum Lake, OR; Mount Hood, OR; Walla Walla, WA; and Yellowstone National Park, (The road to Cody) WY.

In the Northeast, I have undertaken more recent research trips to North Adams, MA; Florida, MA; October Mountain State Forest, MA; Troy, NH; Marlborough, NH; Mt. Monadnock, NH; Hockamock Swamp, MA; “Activity,” NH; Erving and Wendell State forests, MA; Winsdor, MA, Winsted CT; Thompson, CT and Whitehall NY. I plan many more trips throughout the U.S.A. and the northeast in the future.

Why Another Bigfoot Organization?

I started NESRA because I was tired of doing Bigfoot research alone and because I saw the need for a credible and yet scientifically sound research association in the Northeast. On Saturday, May 22, 2004, I posted the following announcement on a single Bigfoot forum:

Attention ALL Northeastern Bigfooters,

Are you interested in undertaking a concerted effort to produce real evidence of active Sasquatch activity in the Northeast? (Not blobsquatch quality nonsense, only scientifically sound documentation.) OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm seriously considering the idea of forming a northeastern investigation association. If there's anyone from the Northeast interested in doing some serious sighting investigations and all-night stake outs let me know. My goal is to eventually eradicate the prevailing skepticism of the residential existence of the Northeastern Sasquatch by producing credible and scientifically sound evidence. I’m aiming to solidify the legitimacy of the northeastern wood-ape phenomenon once and for all. I'm in the midst of designing a TOP-NOTCH website for the project.
My desire is to build a website that is extremely user friendly and chock full of interesting posts, articles, photos. I also want to include a database of credible sightings that can be searched by virtually any criteria. This is the real deal, folks. Anyone interested in contributing his or her time, talent, knowledge and effort should contact me immediately. This could be extremely rewarding! (Plus a whole lot of fun!) The Northeast needs a solid base of united operations. I believe it's time to pull together the many scattered northeastern efforts into a viable and loosely unified association. Any of you "northeasterners" feel the same way? If so,  show your support by helping to rally others and making  your interest known. Let's assemble an official association so we can coordinate our talents, experience, efforts and communicate freely with one another about sightings, stakeouts and ongoing investigations in the northeast.

I believe we should convene a meeting where we can get the input and insights of many northeasterners, rather than a few. I feel that by forming a northeastern Bigfoot association we can loosely connect the many independent researchers in the northeast by building strong relationships with each other and by freely sharing our strengths and knowledge for the purpose of seeing successful investigations that yield viable evidence of the residential existence of the northeastern Sasquatch. Out of this effort, I believe lasting friendships can be developed and the northeastern Sasquatch phenomenon can be legitimized in the field of Bigfoot research, opening the doors for higher profile individuals to take part and better financed investigations to take place here in the future. Establishing credibility is the key. That means our goal must be to turn up some solid and irrefutable evidence. This won’t be easy. In fact, it will be virtually impossible without a devoted team that is sold out to this important cause and highly dedicated to the success of each other’s efforts and evidence contributions.

We don’t need another Bigfoot organization that is smothered by a bunch of constricting rules and regulations or one that becomes a kind of exclusive, elitist social club. Relationship, loyalty to each other, dedication to the cause with no hidden agendas and hard work will be the ingredients for success in this endeavor.

I've been researching Bigfoot sighting areas alone for far too long. I’ve investigated many sighting areas across the United States with little success in turning up any actual evidence. I have recently come to realize that a "band of brothers" can cover much more ground and  increase our chances of success a hundred fold.


David Thomas King

I was surprised by the initial response to my post. Many showed a sincere interest in being a part of such an association. We had our first meeting in Hartford CT in February of 2005. We now have 38 active members from all over the Northeast. We have members who come from as far away as VA, WV, PA, MN, MI, NJ, NY, CT, VT, NH, MA, Quebec and Ontario. NESRA is only a few months old and it's growing quickly!

Here is a brief summary of that first historic meeting in Hartford Connecticut:

February 12, 2005, Hartford, CT


I reserved a place for 10 at our most humble of meeting places -- The PizzaPlus restaurant in Hartford, CT. I arrived early to find Michael Killen from the New York City area already waiting, with sightings data sheets in hand. Mike has been a student of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomena for the past 20 years. We were immersed in conversation when Tom, from Springfield, MA arrived. Tom is more of the "let's get out into the field" kind of enthusiast who wields a witty sense of humor and a desire to get out there and do something significant. John from Québec, Canada, walked in next. John has had his own possible encounter with a Bigfoot-type creature and expressed that he was more than willing to participate in any Northeastern expeditions we undertake. Chuck Adinolphi from the Whitehall, NY area made his entrance next. A restaurant chef and former pro wrestler, BigDaddy has had a longtime interest in Bigfoot and even oversees his own organization.

Will from NJ, Paul from NH, Kevin from CT and Chris from western MA all stated that they had every intention of joining us but had to work that Saturday. Dogfoot from northern New Jersey wrote in afterward that he had a death in the family and apologized for not being able to make it to our initial founder's meeting.


We began the meeting by going over a long list of possible names for our group. In the end we decided upon The North East Sasquatch Researchers Association (NESRA).

Organization vs. Association:

We decided that the group we are forming should be an association rather than an organization. An organization is a pyramid-style hierarchy, which tends to become elitist, dictatorial and exclusive in nature. An association is a loose-fitting network of free-willed individuals who relate together around a common cause. Although NESRA makes allowance for a diversity of views and approaches, it will use a unified set of scientific standards and methods for determining and processing collected evidence and data. (More on this at a later date)

The North East Territory:

We used a National Geographic map of the northeast to decide on which states and provinces to include in our definition of the Northeast territory. Although Mike and Tom felt we should begin with a smaller defined territory, I suggested that we remain with the National Geographic definition so as to keep our vision large enough to study possible migration patterns. I also felt our target territory should be broad enough for rapid growth via the Internet and my own personal travels through these states and territories. Chuck suggested that we start off as a national organization. In the end, we concluded that the Northeast territory would be made up of the following:

Northeastern United States

New Hampshire
New York
New Jersey
Rhode Island
West Virginia

Northeastern Canada

New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

We also decided that our web site should contain a northeastern database, a North American database and an international database, and that we should receive sighting reports from wherever they may come. For now, however, our investigations will be confined to the northeastern territories. We will also be keeping an eye out for key researchers to represent these various states and northeastern territories.

The Northeastern and North American Hotspots:

We used John Green's sightings totals up to 2001 from the California Bigfoot Encounters web site to determine several Northeastern and North American "hotspots." These are reports collected and investigated personally by Mr. Green over a 46 year period. Maryland, Pennsylvania and Ohio were the most active regions in the Northeast with over 200 reports in each state. Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana, New York and New Jersey were follow-up states with over 50 reports each with Michigan and New York nearing 100.

Operational Standards:

We decided to accept the following operational standards that were submitted during the meeting by Chuck. These operational standards are not all-inclusive. More standards may be added or amended at any time.

1. Firearms – Safety First

We do not recommend that any member of our association or members of extended expeditionary parties be either armed or unarmed. In the event that a member of any expedition or outing sponsored by our association desires to carry a firearm of any kind, it is our policy that the member MUST notify all other members of the group before doing so. We will not outright prohibit the possession of a firearm by an expedition member provided that said possession does not violate any local, state or federal regulations regarding the possession of firearms in the expedition area. However, anyone who desires to carry a firearm on any NESRA sponsored expedition must first furnish written proof that they have completed an officially recognized firearms safety course (ie a firearms safety course certificate) to a NESRA representative for approval. Additionally, anyone in possession of a firearm on a NESRA sponsored expedition must agree not to consume any type of alcoholic beverage at any time while in the field. We take firearm safety very seriously and we feel this code of conduct is extremely important to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Anyone who decides to ignore these NESRA firearm safety rules at any time will be asked to leave the NESRA expedition area and will lose the right to participate in any future NESRA expeditions. Safety first.

2. Outing Conduct

While attending a NESRA sponsored event, all attendees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and well-composed manner. A log of activities and findings will be kept and filed for each expedition and outing. While in the field, alcohol use is strongly discouraged as personal safety, accuracy of field reports and public credibility are invaluable to the success of every NESRA expedition. However, anyone over the age of 21 must decide for themselves in this regard as we do not expressly prohibit the use of alcohol, except in the case of any expedition members who are in possession of a firearm as previously stated in the firearms operational standard.

3. Information Sharing

As a group of independent researchers and independent organizations who choose to willingly associate themselves with NESRA, we encourage the free flow of information and ideas between the groups involved. It is our desire to work closely with other Bigfoot groups who have similar intentions. Witness and contact information will be strictly guarded, as the individuals involved have submitted their encounters to each investigator in the strictest of confidence. Specific sighting and encounter locations will be "mapped out" using official mapping symbols and details of each encounter will be made available to all NESRA members. All credit for discoveries and findings will be given to those to whom credit is due, provided proper notes and records are kept and verified.

4. Investigatory Courtesy

Local NESRA groups will be determined by each person’s state or province of residence. When planning any field research, interviews or expeditions outside of your home state or province, out of courtesy for other association members, it is our policy that visiting association members should first contact and invite local NESRA members in the planned area of investigation to join in the activities in case they wish to be involved. If the local association members decline the invitation to be involved then visiting members may proceed with their plans without delay. This ensures that members of local NESRA groups in each region will always know when and where operations are taking place in their own state or province and this will also help in coordinating our efforts.

5. Evidence Findings and Information Discovery

All reports, findings, photos, evidence and sighting /encounter information (with the exception of possible private eyewitness contact information) should be made available to NESRA’s center of operations for compilation within the web site database. Castings and hair samples along with other materials containing possible DNA evidence should be carefully collected to avoid contamination and made available to the presiding NESRA board for submission to a scientific expert for examination and review. The person or persons (or organization) that initially submits such evidence shall remain the sole owners of the submitted material. All submitted materials will be returned in good shape to the evidence owner or owners after scientific review, unless the owner or owners decide to donate the evidence in writing to the NESRA evidence library. Generic reports of the findings, photos, evidence and sightings / encounter information will then be available to the public, while location details and other specifics (Once approved by the submitting investigator) will be made available to investigators who have access to the official “members only” area on the NESRA website.

6. Property, Buildings and Equipment

As a volunteer based association, at this time, NESRA owns no property, buildings or equipment. On expeditions, NESRA will rely on its members to supply equipment for their own use and hopefully to share with other members. If another member somehow damages equipment, the person responsible for the damage will be expected to replace the equipment. We strongly urge NESRA members to begin collecting a supply of their own equipment.

7. Killing/Hunting

As a group of independent researchers and organizations, NESRA takes no official stance on whether or not to kill a Sasquatch/Bigfoot should they prove to exist. "To kill or not to kill" will be the decision of each individual member or organization that chooses to associate with NESRA. However, NESRA does not sanction any activities that would result in the shooting and/or killing of any animal while on an officially sponsored NESRA expedition except in the case of a last resort, where a self defense action might become necessary.

8. Information pooling

We decided to pool our sightings and data collections together into a northeastern web site that will be searchable by a wider range of criteria than most Bigfoot databases.

9. Nonprofit Status

We also decided that NESRA should seek nonprofit status.

10. Preliminary Investigation Sites and Dates:

Some preliminary investigation sites and dates were agreed upon. Initial preparations are already being undertaken for groundwork to begin in March to work out the specific details of a future expedition, which will be conducted in the Southern Adirondack region of New York. Details will only be provided to those who become official members of NESRA.

11. Official NESRA Membership:

Official NESRA membership will be determined by application. Individual investigators and individual organizations who desire to be associated with NESRA will be required to fill out an online application which must then be approved by a board of no less than five members. Until the official board is appointed, a temporary board made up of the five original attendees of the Hartford, CT meeting, will preside over this matter. Applications will be made available online and the application process will commence as soon as possible.

In order to become an official member of the North Eastern Sasquatch Researchers Association and participate in any expeditionary activities, each member must be willing to pay a one-time application fee of $25.00 and yearly dues of $25.00 to the presiding NESRA treasurer for the establishment and maintenance of the NESRA website and database as well as for any incidental expenses that might NESRA incur. Financial records shall be available to view by any NESRA member at any time.

12. NESRA Is a Non-Paranormal Investigation Association

Although all official NESRA members are encouraged to keep an open mind to suggestions and opinions of others, for the purposes of establishing credibility, NESRA shall maintain a "flesh and blood" view of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomena. Our official stand is that if Bigfoot/Sasquatch exists, it is a flesh and blood, corporeal primate and our foremost goal is for its preservation from extinction.

So What is NESRA?

In short, NESRA is an ever-developing association of independent researchers and independent organizations who relate together out of similarity of view, trust and long-standing friendship. We work together willingly, using similar and yet diverse scientific methods to investigate the Bigfoot phenomenon. If you're interested in becoming a member of the NESRA team, we encourage you to take your first step by filling out the online application.

We are now recruiting new members and new investigators.

To fill out a NESRA membership application CLICK HERE
     If you have any questions feel free to email us at nesra@nesra.net.

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Copyright © 2005 North East Sasquatch Researchers Association (NESRA)
Last modified: 03/06/06

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