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What is a Sasquatch or Bigfoot?
By Michael Killen

This is a complex question. Depending on who you ask, you will get various answers. There are many different theories as to what these creatures may be, but the truth is that nobody knows exactly what they really are. There are heated debates between believers as to what they might be, but most believers fall into two separate camps, "flesh and blood" theorists and "paranormal" theorists.  Some flesh and blood theorists believe that Bigfoot is a living animal no different than other known woodland animals like bears or wolves.

 A few think they might be the long sought after missing link in our evolutionary chain, while others feel they are a separate but similar species of early man that developed independently of modern man and has somehow been able to stay hidden from us most of the time over all these years.

Still others think they could be Gigantopithecus Blacki, or a slightly evolved version of this giant Asian ape that was known to have once roamed the Earth, which may have come to North America by crossing over the Alaskan land bridge during the last ice age.

Illustration from the Bigfoot Discovery Project



Drawing By Dr. John Bindernagel


The paranormal believers have other less ordinary theories about what they might be and believe they are more than just a living animal or an early type of human. The paranormal believers are just as divided as the flesh & blood theorists as they also have vastly differing opinions as to what these creatures might be. Some of them believe they could be alien visitors sent to observe us. Some think they are visitors from another dimension who are able to jump back and forth between dimensions at will. Others believe they are shape-shifting beings, able to modify their appearance at any time. Still others believe them to be some type of ghosts or possibly even demons. The majority of people who believe these creatures exist tend to believe in one of the flesh and blood theories rather than one of the paranormal theories.  

Here at NESRA we officially favor a flesh and blood view, however being an association made up of many individual members and organizations, you'll quickly discover that there are individuals from both sides of the aisle. As our primary focus is investigation and not debate, we attempt to focus on field work rather than endless chat and controversy.

Sasquatch/Human/Gorilla Size Comparisons

Illustration From:  www.pangeainstitute.us/ photogallery

Illustration From:
  www.pangeainstitute.us/ photogallery

Gigantopithecus Blacki

Patterson / Gimlin Film 1967

The North Eastern Wood Ape

The photos appear here under the fair use
for educational purposes of copyright material.

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Last modified: 03/06/06

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