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What the face of the Patterson / Gimlin creature might look like

What evidence is there to support the
existence of Sasquatch or Bigfoot?

By Michael Killen

Along with the Patterson / Gimlin film shot in 1967, there are other pieces of evidence that experts feel would be very unlikely and extremely difficult to fake, and in these cases some believe this evidence to be proof of their existence. One example of this possible proof is the case of the mysterious Bossburg tracks (also known as the “cripple foot” tracks) found near Bossburg, Washington in November and December of 1969. The first series of tracks or trackway was found in the area around a local garbage dump. Unfortunately, almost all of these first tracks were quickly destroyed by a crowd of curious onlookers from the town. News of the amazing discovery had been leaked in town and many people went out to the trackway to see it for themselves before the evidence could be properly protected. The second trackway found around Bossburg is one of the longest ever discovered and
features over 1,000 individual tracks allegedly left by a passing Sasquatch with one club foot.

The cast of a deformed footprint impression from a crippled Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, from Northeastern Washington State.

By studying the difference between this print of a crippled foot in comparison to the print from the normal foot, Dr. Krantz reconstructed the skeletal structure. The deformed print shows a missing toe, bending of the long axis of the foot, and two projections on the outside edge of the sole. Note the gaps indicated between the bones of the deformed foot where the calloused projections appear. Dr. Krantz concluded that these deformities are consistent with the anatomy and pathology expected of a crippled non-human, large-massed bipedal animal, and that the precise correspondence of the crippled pathology to the structure indicated by the non-deformed foot was consistent with the physical adaptations necessary for bipedal locomotion of a large-massed animal. Further, he stated that the knowledge of physics, anatomy and bipedal locomotion that would be needed for someone to fake that structure would be so specialized as to make fakery unlikely.

The normal, or non-deformed footprint impression from a crippled Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, from Northeastern Washington State, cast and reconstructed by Dr. Grover Krantz, Professor of Anthropology at Washington State University.

 After comparing this print to the deformed print, Dr. Krantz concluded that the physical adaptations necessary to enable bipedal locomotion for a very large animal were consistent with the structure indicated by these feet. Namely, a flat foot, double ball, wide squarish heel, shorter metatarsals and evenly spaced toes with impressions of even pressure. Dr. Krantz concluded that the impressions were made by a non-human foot of an animal consistent in size and shape with that described in Bigfoot sightings. Due to the consistency of physical adaptations with what would be needed for a large creature to move in a bipedal manner, Dr. Krantz believed the prints nearly impossible to fake.

For more information about Dr. Krantz CLICK HERE

All of these tracks were completely anatomically correct for a creature the size and weight of a Sasquatch with the club foot deformity. These tracks probably would have been very difficult to fake without a very good understanding of primate anatomy and related bone structure, and the hoaxer would have had to spend a lot of time and great effort to carefully create so many perfectly formed “deformed” fake tracks. The late Dr. Grover Krantz, a well-respected Washington State University anthropologist and initial Sasquatch skeptic, considered these prints to be the undeniable proof that in the end convinced him that Sasquatch did exist.

Another famous set of alleged Sasquatch tracks involved two separate trackways found at two different very remote locations, hundreds of miles apart from each other in two different states. The first trackway was discovered 20 years before the second one was found, and both trackways were an exact match, which left only two possible explanations for this. They either had to have been made by the same Sasquatch many years later in it’s travels through the wilderness or else the alleged hoaxer had traveled hundreds of miles to place a second exactly matching trackway in a very remote, hard-to-reach location 20 years after he placed the first trackway. There is no way for the alleged hoaxer to know if his fake tracks would have ever been discovered or if they would both eventually have been compared by experts to confirm they were a match. To think that any hoaxer would spend the time and have the skill to create two sets of exactly matching trackways in two different and very remote locations in the hope that someday they might both be discovered and compared is hard enough to believe. But to suggest that the hoaxer would have the patience to wait a full 20 years for his hoax to be completed is just completely unrealistic. The only explanation that makes sense in this case is that they were both made by the same Sasquatch many years apart and in completely different areas.

Of course there are other solid pieces of evidence to support the existence of these creatures besides the trackways. One very important piece of evidence for the existence of Sasquatch are dermal ridges, which are basically fingerprints found in some of the castings made from some well-formed tracks. Officer Jimmy Chilcutt with the Conroe Police Dept in Texas certainly has the most experience of anyone in North America, if not the world, at examining non-human primate dermal ridges or fingerprints. Over the years he has fingerprinted many different ape species and he has amassed a huge collection of about 1,000 of these prints. His studies of the different skin patterns on the feet of the different ape species have made him one of the world’s leading experts on the subject of human and non-human primate dermal ridges. Originally a Sasquatch skeptic, Chilcutt examined the collection of track casts of Dr. Jeff Meldrum, associate professor of anatomy at Idaho State University. He eventually found enough evidence to cause him to change his belief on the subject of Sasquatch; he was now a firm believer.

Another important piece of evidence is known as “The Skookum Cast”, a large partial-body imprint discovered in September of 2000 in Washington State of an alleged Sasquatch left in soft soil as it lay on the ground eating Apples from a bait pile of fruit. The imprint seems to clearly show an impression of the buttocks, thigh, ankle, forearm and even a partial heel impression complete with possible dermal ridges of a Sasquatch made in the mud as it sat down and then stretched over to grab the Apple from the pile of fruit. The casting was examined by the late Dr. Grover Krantz, Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Dr. John Bindernagel among others. They all agreed that this imprint was authentic, not made by any known animal and not some type of hoax or fabrication.

Dr. Henner Fahrenbach’s studies of the dimensions of the alleged Sasquatch footprints which were measured and compared over the last 40 years is another very solid piece of evidence which seems to support the existence of Sasquatch. Fahrenbach combined all of the data regarding total foot length, heel width and ball width of the foot together on one paper showing it as a graph. When he completed his graph of the combined data the shape on the paper formed a bell curve. This bell curve is exactly what you would find when looking at various shapes and sizes of the feet of a living population, whether they are human beings or Sasquatch, as both of these species grow and age. His studies seem to confirm that these footprints can’t all have been faked because of the wide distribution of different sizes involved.

Other evidence consists of various hair or scat samples and numerous vocal recordings not found to match any known animal in North America. Not to mention the fact that there is a long history of Sasquatch sightings by the Native American tribes for over 400 years, long before any modern day pranksters were ever born! Many of these tribes have carved Totem Poles with images of these creatures. How could they possibly have known what Sasquatch looked like unless they had seen them? Scientists know there have never been any known great apes living in North America so the Native Americans couldn’t possibly have seen one, yet they carved many images of an ape-like Sasquatch face on their Totem Poles. This fact seems to indicate that they were well aware of the presence of Sasquatch.

At this point in time, it would be easier to believe these creatures do in fact exist than to believe that all the collected evidence has been nothing but a series of elaborate hoaxes perfectly performed over the years by many different people all working in concert together for the purposes of perpetuating a long running hoax.

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Last modified: 03/06/06

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