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How big is an adult Sasquatch or Bigfoot?
By Michael Killen

Illustration by
Paul Smith

Nobody really knows the answer to this question, but some eyewitnesses have reportedly seen Sasquatch that were over 10 feet tall, a few possibly even 15 feet tall, but these reports are relatively rare and probably exaggerated. Most reports indicate that the average height and weight range for an adult Sasquatch is between 7-10 feet in height and between 500 - 800 pounds in weight. The height measurement is usually determined by comparing the Sasquatch in question to something in the sighting area with a known fixed height or something that can be measured like a building, street sign, tree branch, tree stump, etc.

Once you have a height, the weight is usually just an educated guess based on the estimated height. In some cases it might be possible to determine the approximate weight if any tracks are left by the Sasquatch in the sighting area. Examining the tracks and measuring how deep the impressions are in the ground is another way of estimating the weight of the Sasquatch.

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for educational purposes of copyright material.

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Last modified: 03/06/06

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