The Seneca Sasquatch
Small town a bastion of Bigfoot belief
Chicago Tribune, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2005
SENECA, Ill. - A few months ago, the big news in this village of 2,053
residents was that its lone male barber had closed up shop after 42 years.
As the summer wore on, however, many locals found themselves bantering
about a more exotic topic: Bigfoot.
For better or worse, Seneca has become a veritable Sasquatch Central
following a flurry of investigations conducted by a member of the
California-based Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, which bills
itself as "the only scientific research organization exploring the
Bigfoot/Sasquatch mystery."
"My mind's open to anything. After all, they just found another planet.
So, who knows? Anything's possible," lifelong Seneca resident Jim Maier,
61, joked.
The rumors also create questions. From how and why Bigfoot stories can
begin in a place such as Seneca, to the reasons behind our powerful
fascination with tales about things that go bump in the night.
"Bigfoot is one of those things that people like believing in," said Dr.
Christopher Bader, an assistant professor of sociology at Baylor
University in Texas. "Because, how boring would the world be if we thought
we had discovered everything?"
Since Stan Courtney of the BFRO first visited Seneca, he has deemed
reports of four separate Bigfoot encounters near town credible enough to
post on the group's Web site. Two of the alleged encounters happened in
early June, while the others date back to 1979 and 1983.
Courtney first posted two Bigfoot reports on the group's Web site July 9,
prompting the Daily Times, a newspaper in nearby Ottawa, to publish a
story about the rumors. After that story ran, Courtney said he received
information about other Bigfoot encounters. He posted two more reports in
late August.
All four of the alleged sightings were within one mile of each other in a
densely wooded area just south of the Illinois River along Seneca's narrow
and twisting DuPont Road. Three occurred in Grundy County, while the
fourth was in LaSalle County. One account involved two Bigfoot creatures.
"We heard some commotion over in the woods, and we were looking down into
the trees. ... At first, I didn't know what to think," a man identified
only as "Tom" is quoted as saying on, the official Web site
of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. "If anything, it could be a
man in a suit.
"Then I saw the second one in the clearing as plain as day. I guess I
don't know how to explain it, but I just knew it wasn't a man at that
Allegedly covered in hair, standing more than 8 feet tall and reeking of a
pungent odor, "Tom" believes the creatures he saw in June near Seneca to
be Bigfoots.
To many longtime residents of Seneca, such stories are actually nothing
new. Tales of a towering, hairy creature stalking the woods along DuPont
Road date back four decades, they say.
"Growing up, it was always the `DuPont Monster,'" said Kim Tedford, a
resident of Seneca for more than 30 years. "The (Daily Times) newspaper
story was the first I'd ever heard about it being Bigfoot."
Whatever the names, countless towns throughout the nation boast tales of
the supernatural. And like a good scary movie, those stories can provide a
dose of excitement, Bader said.
"Every state has its roads where there's a phantom hitchhiker, and every
town has its haunted houses," he said. "Regardless of whether there are
such things as Bigfoot, people like that thrill of uncertainty, that sense
of danger. It's exciting to try and discover the unknown. And it's a lot
more fun to have that little bit of doubt when you're sitting out in the
Bader says he knows, because he once sat alone inside an isolated cabin in
Washington state at 3 a.m. with a recording of a Bigfoot "scream" playing
outside. The effort failed to attract any creatures, he said.
But it didn't fail to excite.
"The only time I've believed in Bigfoot was from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. that
night, when I thought playing that tape was the stupidest thing I'd ever
done," Bader said. "I was scared out of my wits ... But I felt that
A belief in Bigfoot can also provide a sense of significance and
belonging, said Dr. James Alcock, a professor of psychology at York
University in Toronto and member of the Committee for the Scientific
Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.
"One type of a believer is a person really fascinated by something
strange, but who typically doesn't have much background in science, or
found science hard or boring growing up," Alcock said. "But if they jump
on the bandwagon with flying saucers or Bigfoot, they think that they're
doing some sort of science. And that in some way they're a `real'
scientist at the forefront of trying to make a discovery."
Bigfoot is the quick way to achieving scientific status, Alcock said.
"It's a shortcut," he said. "To become a paleontologist, it takes years.
But to become an `expert' on Bigfoot, you just have to read a few books
and join a few groups, and you know as much as anyone else.
"Another thing is that you're treated with respect if you join these
groups. Nobody laughs at you. And if you also bring up ghosts or other
(supernatural) things, people will not say you're an idiot."
The BFRO says the Internet has made it easier for people to report
sightings directly to investigators, without fear of public ridicule.
Alcock contends the Web has also helped such beliefs grow.
"In small towns, there is more opportunity for a belief to spread," he
said. "And the Internet has a small-town flavor. It's a place where you
can seek out those who share your belief."
On its Web site, the BFRO documents Bigfoot sightings in every state
except Hawaii, and the encounters occur almost exclusively in rural
Boise State University professor of psychology Dr. Eric Landrum offers an
"Perhaps people in small towns have more time to think creatively or
imaginatively, or they seek more distractions from their everyday lives,
as compared to city-dwellers," he said. "(Bigfoot stories) are fuel for
the imagination."
In Seneca this summer, many locals were having fun with the unorthodox
Groups of local teen-agers toted tents into the woods hoping to spot a
Bigfoot, while adults cracked jokes about how such creatures were coping
with the heat.
But for some, Bader said, Bigfoot will always offer a big allure.
"For whatever reason, there's an inherent appeal to the myth of the `Wild
Man' or Bigfoot," he said. "Somehow, that's ingrained in us ... Bigfoot is
`everywhere.' So, I'm not at all surprised he's in Seneca."
The article quotes and illustrations appear here under the fair
for educational purposes of copyright material.
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