This site is composed of extracts from Rex Gilroy’s Book: Giants from the Dreamtime -
The Yowie in Myth & Reality [copyright (c) 2001 Rex Gilroy, Uru Publications.
[the name Uru is the registered trademark of Uru Publications] |

I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the following person, without whose assistance, often spanning many years, this book might not have been written.
My wife and fellow researcher, Heather, who has worked tirelessly, and often for long hours, to put my typed manuscript on computer disc ready for the printer, and attended to all the associated business problems while I manned the typewriter.
Together we have carried out searches Australia-wide, and made repeated visits to New Zealand, in the course of our countless field expeditions, investigating evidence of the Yowie and his Kiwi cousin, the "Moehau".
Without Heather's assistance it is doubtful that I could ever have accomplished many of the great discoveries I have made in our almost 30 years together.
This Book Is Also Dedicated To:
* The open-minded, free-thinking visionary, who does not
know the meaning of the word "impossible".
* The field-working, rugged adventurer who never stops at
the foothills, and always wants to see what lies beyond
the next mountain.
* The dedicated individualist who has the courage and fortitude to defend his ideas, regardless of
overwhelming opposition.
* All those who against all reason, dare to dig deeper than
anyone before them in their search for the truth.
Yowie Homepage | Entire Web site © Rex & Heather Gilroy 2008 | URU Publications ® ™ Rex & Heather Gilroy. All Rights Reserved | Mysterious Australia |