From the Dreamtime the Yowie In Myth And Reality 
District 1930's
hairy Man
Old inhabitants
of the Bankstown district in the 1930's still recalled old tales from
the previous
century, of a'giant hairy man' and his female companion, once said to
have inhabited the nearby Georges River bushland, and red-coated marines
were said to have shot a 'hairy rnan'of about twice normal human height,
in the Georges River bushland, within a few years of the first settlement
in Sydney Cove....
Valley 1930's
During the 1930's
there were still old men living in the Allyn Valley, who in their younger
days had worked as Cedar getters, with their bullock teams drawing long,
heavy steel shod wooden slides over the valley floor and some parts
of the ridges of the central region of the valley's top end.
These were experienced
bushmen whose truthfulness could be vouched for by their neighbours.
Among their many stories of the old days were those concerning the 'Gorillas'
of the Allyn Valley, and of encounters with these creatures deep in
the forests where they worked....
Royal 1930's
One evening
back in the 1930's, several Cedar getters camped at Mt Royal were cooking
their evening meal when one 'Big Jim' who was well known for his gigantic
size and physical strength, remarked that his bullocks seemed to be
making their way up to the top of the range, and that he had better
go up and turn them back down, or else it might take a long time to
round them up the next morning.
Barely fifteen minutes later
the men heard a terrific sound, like an outsized human voice 'yahooing'
in the direction that Big Jim had gone. Within a few minutes he came
rushing downhill, and having reached his mates, one of them 'Joe', remarked:
"Crikey Jim, I always knew you could holler pretty loud, but never
like that just now".
"My God Joe, that wasn't
me" he quickly replied. It was then that they all noticed that
their usually 'scared of nothing' big mate was pale and trembling with
"Well who or what the
Devil can it be, no one else is supposed to be anywhere near us?' queried
"That aint no human
voice" said Jim, "It was grunting louder than any boar pig
I ever heard before it started hollering, I'm sleeping with the old
Winchester alongside me tonight", he added.
The others followed suit,
but neither that night, nor at any time over the next few weeks that
the group spent on the mountainside, did they hear, or find any other
evidence of the creature's presence.