From the Dreamtime the Yowie In Myth And Reality 
Fish River 1964
man-like ape-like Creature
In the midwinter
of 1964, two pig shooters, Eric Rolf and Morris Patton, both of Sydney,
went on a weekend camping trip to the Fish River near the town of Oberon,
west of the Blue Mountains.
In those days
the men knew nothing of the hairy man-like creatures that local traditions
said, inhabited the surrounding wild mountain ranges. They knew only
that it was an area plagued by wild pigs, and they anticipated a good
'kill' that weekend.
They stayed
at a cabin situated on Water Supply Road, on the Fish River outside
Hampton, which lies east of Oberon, and across the Hartley Valley from
Mt Victoria. The area where they stayed is in rugged mountainous terrain.
On the first
night of their camping trip, Morris, his three cell torch in hand, left
Eric alone in the cabin to study platypus living along the river bank.
The time was about 9pm on a very dark night, and all the time Morris
was gone Eric had a strange feeling that they were not alone.
He was glad
when he heard the footsteps of his friend approaching the cabin door.
The door opened, to reveal a terrified-looking Morris, white-faced,
gasping out that he had just seen some hairy man-like 'thing' out there
in the dark. After he had calmed down, Morris said he wanted to return
to the river bank to see if the 'thing' was still there.
Eric, not wishing
to be left alone decided to accompany him, but they armed themselves
with two stout tree limbs for protection before they left.
The men were
reluctant to use their rifles against what they thought was probably
a "wild man".
As they reached
the river, Morris flashed his torch about. Standing 30m away on the
opposite bank of the river on the edge of thick scrub, they saw the
mystery manbeast, a 2.3m tall, man-like, ape-like creature, vary dark-haired,
stooped in appearance, with its arms at its side, and very broad shouldered.
There was a
pungent odour about the area being emitted by the strange hominid.
Then, after
about 30 seconds, the mystery 'manimal' turned around and ran off into
the scrub, making no other sounds but for the breaking of foliage as
it ran from the startled campers.
At this Eric and Morris ran back to the cabin. The mysterious manbeast
made no other appearances during their stay.
Some time ago
Eric Rolf informed me that, over the years he has returned to this area
on wild goat shooting trips, and while roaming the bushland has often
experienced the feeling that he was being watched by 'something'.
Lamington Plateau Cliffs
man-like Beast
In 1964 a Tweed
Valley stockman, Richard Adams, was mustering a mob of cattle on horseback
on a steep hillside, on the edge of rainforest, situated at the foot
of the Lamington Plateau cliffs, when the cattle and also his horse
suddenly took fright.
It was at this
moment that, barely 16m ahead of him, an enormous muscular, hairy man-like
beast appeared on the edge of the forest, menacingly brandishing a large
tree limb.
The beast, whose
face Richard later described as being somewhere between human and ape,
stood its ground snarling, as the terrified stockman turned his mount
to gallop off down the slope.