From the Dreamtime the Yowie In Myth And Reality 
Ha Ha Falls January 1961
male hominid Creature
About January 1961, two young
women, "Jacki" and " Helen", were frightened by
a hairy male hominid creature which appeared from out of thick scrub
near the top of Minna Ha Ha Falls in the north Katoomba bushland.
The man-beast they later
told police, stood a good seven feet {2.3 metres} tall, had a sloping
forehead and thick eyebrow ridges, was very muscular and had long arms
with big hands.
Screaming the girls ran off in the direction of the carpark. People
to whom they told their story at the park returned to search the area
but found no tracks of the creature due to the rocky terrain, although
both women agreed the man-beast's feet were "very large".