From the Dreamtime the Yowie In Myth And Reality 
National Park, Arnhem Land 1976
with hairy Creature
A few years before, in 1976,
Brian had been camping one night on the creek when a man-sized hairy
figure stepped out from nearby bushes and grabbed him."We fought all over
the ground as I tried to get out of his powerful grip.
When I did, I grabbed a piece
of wood next to the fire and struck the creature over the head.
Screaming, the creature retreated
into the scrub, leaving behind a strong, rotting smell and a greasy
feeling all over me," he said.
Elders believe he had fought off a young male Pankalanka.
dog Mountains 1976
ape-like Creature
During 1976, a camping group
of two dozen men and women established camp in the Wild Dog Mountains
south-west of Narrow Neck behind "Packsaddlers".
Nothing happened during the
night, but in the early hours of the morning something strange visited
the camp.
One of the
girls awoke to see "a 2.7-metre-tall, hairy ape-like male creature"
examining the camp cooking equipment and other goods. She screamed and
the commotion aroused the group.
The monster
threw down what it was holding and dashed off into the scrub.
Times 1976
snowman seen Again
Modern interest
in these hairy manbeasts was reawakened in July 1975, when a skier near
Mt Kosciusko spotted a tall, hairy ape-like beast walking across a snow-covered
Thereafter it
was the press which came up with the name "Abominable Snowman"
and "Kosciusko Snowman" for the creatures, attempting to link
them with their more notorious Himalayan 'cousin'.
example, the "Tumbarumba Times" of September 15th, 1976 wrote:
"Abominable Snowman" Seen Again.
Reports in
recent weeks of mysterious large ape-like footprints found in the snow
and sightings of a huge man-like hairy beast in the Kosciusko district
have intensified interest in a theory that a relative of the Himalayan
"Abominable Snowman" inhabits the Snowy Mountains.
The "Kosciusko
Snowman" has been the subject of a nation-wide search by a well
known naturalist who maintains the creature's existence.
Naturalist is Mr Rex Gilroy, Director of the Mt York Natural History
Museum, Mt. Victoria NSW.
Mr Gilroy
said this week on Sunday, August 15th, a man had discovered an extensive
set of large man-like tracks in the snow near Kiandra, which he followed
for half a mile until they entered a forest.
He said there
had been a number of reports of large footprints having been found in
recent months. One set was found crossing the backyard of a farm near
Mr Gilroy
said early Aborigines had a name for the beast - the "Yowie"
[for "Great Hairy Man"], a large 7-8 ft tall hairy man-like
creature what walked on two legs with a stooped gait.
Mr Gilroy,
who has studied reports of the creatures over a wide area of Australia,
many dating back to early last century, believes the Yowie to be a relative
of the Himalayan 'Abominable Snowman' and North American 'Bigfoot',
creatures which evolved from a pre-ice age man-like ape fauna which
spread out over a land-shelf which formerly linked Australia and America
to mainland Asia many thousands of years ago.
Similar beasts
are known to inhabit the jungles of Malaysia and New Guinea, Mr Gilroy
Mr Gilroy
said that reports of large footprints in the snow in the Mt. Kosciusko
district had been as frequent as sightings of the "Kosciusko Snowman"
In July 1975
a skier spotted a large 7-8 ft tall hairy man-like beast moving up a
snow covered hillside near Mt Kosciusko and a month later what may have
been the same creature was sighted again by a group of skiers in the
same area following a snowfall.
The press
reports of large ape-like footprints found in the snow and sightings
of "Abominable Snowmen" around Mt Kosciusko, and elsewhere
in the snowfields were greeted by scientific scepticism.
quote the "Canberra Times" of 4th September, 1976:
'Nonsense' tales of hairy beast.
of sightings and prints of a "huge, man-like hairy beast' during
recent weeks in the Kiandra, Tidbinbilla, Cooma and Kosciusko district
were nonsense," the chief of the CSIRO division of wildlife research,
Dr. H.J.Frith, said yesterday. "There
is no such animal", he said. "Some responsible person would
have seen it by now. The whole thing is far-fetched."
The Director
of the Mt York Natural History Museum, at Mt Victoria, NSW Mr Rex Gilroy,
said in a statement issued recently that he had been searching for the
creature, known as the Yowie, for several years.
There had
been sightings dating back to1795 at scattered areas of inland eastern
had been reported near Cooma and Kiandra this winter.
He described
the Yowie as being about two metres tall, covered in long hair, stooped
and walking on two legs with a loping gait.
Mr Gilroy
has established "The Australian Yowie Research Centre" at
his museum.
Mr Gilroy
said the Yowie had existed in eastern Aboriginal folklore for thousands
of years but, as an anthropologist pointed out yesterday, so had the
mythical bunyip.
Area 1976
Large Footprints
During 1976 Mr Tony Martineer
was apple-picking on the property of a Mr Speers about 10 km out of
One day around sunset he
was walking through a state pine forest when, in a partly dried patch
of mud he found three large footprints. They were spaced man-size and
about 23cm in length.
They displayed splayed-out
toes and a narrow heel which went deeper into the ground [about 4 cm]
than the rest of the foot. The arch was narrow and showed a big toe
almost as deep as the heel. Hearing a crashing sound in nearby bush
Tony left the area in haste.
Was the maker of these giant-size
footprints still lurking nearby?
Valley-Springwood Creek 1976
haired man-Ape
During the bad Blue Mountains
bushfires of 1976, a National Parks and Wildlife Service ranger and
pilot in an Iroquois Helicopter were circling over the Grose Valley,
observing the course of a fire in the valley below, when, while passing
over a rocky outcrop, the ranger spotted below, a black-haired, 'man-ape'
like creature climbing over rocks fleeing from the blaze.
As the bushfire was their
priority they could not turn back for another look. The sighting occurred
near Springwood Creek.
Dog Mountains 1976
ape-like male Creature
During 1976 a camping group
of two dozen men and women established a camp in the Wild dog Mountains
south-west of Narrow Neck. Nothing happened during the
night, but in the early hours of the morning one of the girls awoke
to see "a 2.3 m tall, hairy ape-like male creature" examining
the camp cooking equipment and other goods.
She screamed and the commotion
aroused the group; the monster threw down what it was holding and dashed
off into the scrub.
District -Mt Conobolas 1976
In July 1976 a number of
large, 15 inch [38cm] length footprints displaying ape-like features,
were found in forest soil west of Orange by a farmer.
hairy naked man-like Beast
About this time another
farmer informed Orange ABC Radio reporter, Leo White, of Radio Station
2CR that he had seen a tall, hairy naked man-like beast while exploring
bushland near Mt Canobolas. He told Leo that the nearest
thing he had ever seen to this creature were the ancient 'hairy man'
rock paintings of Arnhem Land Aborigines, many years before.
Range 1976
reddish-long haired manlike Beast
High up in the Barrington
Range in 1976, six men on a rabbit shooting excursion got the shock
of their lives. While shooting in thick scrub on a hillside they decided
to stop for a rest, and prepared a campfire to "boil the billy". Leaving their 'kill' of
several rabbits on an old tree stump, they walked down to nearby creek
to get water.
While here they heard a sound
coming from above them near their fire, and turned to see a large, reddish,
long-haired man-like beast a good 10ft [3 m] tall, standing on the edge
of scrub near their fireplace. The manbeast picked up the
rabbits from the stump, turned and walked off with them into the scrub.
The men stood, too petrified to d o much else than watch the man-monster
disappear, before grabbing their rifles and gear and leave the spot
as quickly as possible.
Two types of giant creatures
appear to have been described here; the Morrell 'man-ape', an
apparent vegetarian, bears Gigantopithecine features; while the rabbit-stealing
hominid appears more human-like, and very likely one of the giant tool-making
people once claimed by local Aborigines to inhabit the region.
Ranges-Inland Taree 1976
greyish-haired Animal
One night in 1976, Mr Errol
and a mate were spotlight shooting for kangaroos on a property situated
on the foothills of the Nowendoc Ranges, 35 miles inland from Taree. They had driven their vehicle
across a paddock and were moving their spotlight about the area, when
suddenly the beam caught a big, greyish-haired 'animal' lying on the
ground some 200 yards away.
Then the creature rose up
upon two legs to a height of about 3.3 m and ambled away into the darkness.
The men were too stunned to shoot. Old Aboriginal legends of
the Taree district say the 'hairy men' lived side by side with the Aborigines.
They were even known to move in and occupy abandoned humpies after the
Aboriginal occupants had moved out.
They were so tall [said Aborigines
to early 19th century European settlers] they had to bend over to enter
the settler's doorways!
ape-like Creatures
The following stories were
reported in the Lismore Northern Star newspaper that month, after an
earlier article in that journal concerning a search I planned to conduct
in the Woodenbong district.
The first of these concerned
the experience of Mrs Thelma Crewe of Richmond St, Woodenbong, who late
one November night in 1976, saw two ape-like creatures about 1.2m tall,
and covered in tan coloured hair, standing in her front yard just off
the street.
"The hair on their arms
was about 15.3cm longer than on the rest of their bodies, and their
heads seemed to be sunk into their shoulders," she told Gary Buchanan,
a Lismore Northern Star reporter. She watched the strange hominids
through her kitchen window for five minutes before they walked away
down the dimly-lit street into thick scrub.
They had obviously wandered
around her backyard, inquisitively surveying the house prior to Mrs
Crewe seeing them, as evidenced by the indistinct tell-tale footprints
found there later. Following publication of
Mrs Crewe's experience, another Woodenbong lady, who requested her name
to be withheld, contacted the Northern Star with her own hairy-raising
crushing Dog
Mrs X, as she wished to be
known, lived in Lindsay St., which is only 270 metres from Richmond
St. According to Mrs X, she was lying in bed about 2.30am on the morning
of Wednesday 10th August but not asleep, when she heard her dog, an
Australian terrier, start to yelp.
following is her story in her own words:
"The yelping was mixed
in with high pitched screaming sound which could not have been made
by the dog. At first I thought a dog might have been killing my Siamese
cat." "I jumped out of bed
and race out onto the back verandah where I switched on the light. As
the light was fitted with a strong 200 watt bulb it threw a good glow
into the backyard."
"I went down the steps
and ran into the backyard when I suddenly saw the creature directly
in front of me. I was within 6 feet [1.8m] of the jolly thing and I
think I stopped breathing for a moment because of the fright." "It was sitting on its
haunches and had my dog crushed up against its chest. The dog was almost
completely covered by the creature's arms which were wrapped around
the dog, one above the other. It looked as though the creature was trying
to crush the life out of her."
"The creature looked
straight up at me for a few moments, then dropped the dog, which I thought
was dead at this stage, because she fell to the ground and did not move." "The creature then held
its arms away from its body and slowly stood up. It then backed away
from me towards the grape trellis, but it never took its eyes off me.
It backed away to the left side of the post and wrapped its right arm
around the trellis post.
The creature stayed there
for a few moments making these strange, deep grunting noises. The noises
were very loud."
"It then ran off to
the right, down the side of the house between the garage, and disappeared
towards the front street [Lindsay St]" "As it ran the creature's
arms hung by its sides. They were swinging, but not touching the ground." "The facial features
of the creature could only be described as ape-like."
"Its head was very small
compared to the rest of its body, and the hair was close cropped and
fell down over its forehead. The rest of the face didn't seem to have
much hair over it." "When the Yowie held
out its arms after dropping the dog I noticed that it had long gingery
coloured hair hanging from the bottoms of its arms." "The hair seemed to
be very well groomed, and flowing like a girl's would. The hair over
all its body seemed to be pretty closely cropped except on the arms
and over its shoulders The hair was dark brown with a greyish tinge."
"The creature had a
wide chest and seemed to have very strong legs, while the arms were
long, slender and hairy." "One of the things I
particularly noticed about the Yowie was the horrible stench. The only
thing I could compare it with would be a ferret. The dog still stank
of the stench the next morning so I had to wash her in Dettol."
"I examined the dog
after the creature had disappeared and found that it was bleeding from
scratch wounds to the chest and back of the neck. I though the next
day the dog was going to die. She could hardly walk, and if you moved
her too much she would yelp. I also noticed that she was badly bruised
on the chest. Also, her hair was very greasy
to touch before she was washed."
"Later, my daughter
found three distinct footprints along the side of the house where the
creature disappeared. These measured about 22cm long by 11cm wide. The five toe impressions
were clearly defined and did not appear to have been made by a human
foot. All the toe impressions appeared to be the same size and laid
out in a half circle, rather than falling away from the big to the small
"The overall impression
also seemed to be stubby in comparison with the wide front pad of the
foot." In the course of investigating
Mrs X's experience, Lismore Star reporter Gary Buchanan and staff photographer
Darcy McFadden later examined an area of grass behind a tin shed adjacent
to the grape trellis.
Mrs X said the grass had
been undisturbed prior to the incident, but the men found the grass
trampled down. They also found three long strands of hair caught in
a splinter of wood on an old post behind the shed. The three strands
were about 17cm in length and a gingery brown in colour.
Gary Buchanan sent the hair
samples to Professor B Rigsby, Professor of Anthropology at Queensland
University, Brisbane. The Professor's reply was
typical ...... "I suggest you go looking for a guy in an ape suit.
There is no reliable recurrable evidence for Yowies, abominable snowmen,
yetis, Bigfoot or wild men of the woods or whatever they are called.
I believe you simply won't
find a human primate of this sort in Australia." Professor Rigsby did however
promise to have the hair samples analysed.
However, it appears the University
tests failed to classify the hairs, and like so many other 'embarrassing'
specimens not recognised in the scientific text books, the hairs were
simply "swept under the carpet" of scientific dogmatism in
the hope that the whole matter would soon be forgotten!
Mrs X's dog recovered from its injuries.
Hollow Area-Muswellbrook 1976
Westward from the Mt Royal
Range lies Muswellbrook, where eerie happenings are frequent in the
mountains of the eastern fringe of the town, such as the following: A Mr Warren King and another
man were driving in a Land-rover, checking out trails in the Sandy Hollow
area while on a shooting trip. The time was early summer in 1976.
Following a particular trail
for a few hours they came to a dead end in a valley with a steep sloping
rise at one end. They decided to camp here and set up their tent. Around midnight they were
woken by the sounds of crunching bracken underfoot, coming from the
steep slope. The noise stopped at the edge of the scrub for a short
while, then proceeded towards the tent. The men could make out the shape
of a large figure about 3m tall.
They had a torch next to
them but were afraid to use it. They had set their tent 10
metres from the Land-rover. The men remained in their tent scared of
the beast that now walked around outside, even more so as they realised
they had left their rifles in the vehicle. After walking around the
tent the mysterious creature then walked away to retreat back up the
slope down which it had come.
After about five minutes the men dashed
for their vehicle, threw their gear into it and drove off. An interesting sideline to
this story is that it was at the above location that the remains of
an old campfire was found by the men.
Two years previously a Pasture
Protection Board officer, who was checking the country hereabouts, and
had camped there overnight, came back to Sandy Hollow Hotel, looking
very scared. He never said a thing to
the locals at the hotel but telephoned his boss, to inform him that
he was quitting his job after an undisclosed, terrifying experience
up in the hills. This was a man who had worked in the bush for twenty
Eagles District 1976
A banana farmer, Ken 'Stoney'
Thomas, in the Glen Eagles district further north in 1976, claimed he
had a visitation from a female Yowie. The female hominid emerged around
sundown from out of forest on the edge of his farm as he was finishing
work in a paddock.
"She was about 1.8m
tall, slender built, a little hairy, and long breasts that might have
drooped about 8 or 9 inches [20 to 23cm]. Her forehead was sloping
away from very protruding eyebrows and her face somewhere between an
ape and a human in appearance," said Ken.
Ken retreated to his farmhouse,
unsure if the weird female was liable to attack him. As he and his family
remained in the house, the strange 'womanbeast' wandered around the
house and other buildings before returning back into the forest.
Next morning when he searched
for signs of the previous night's visitor, he found a number of bags
covering his bananas had been ripped from the trees and their contents
eaten, or scattered along a track, where he found strange footprints
leading up into the wilderness of Owongorella National Park, a region
of steep escarpments and rainforests.
Aborigines of the region
believe a sizeable population consisting of small family groups of hairy
'Widgee' beings still roam over a wide area between the Mt Tambourine,
Lamington, MacPherson and Tweed ranges, southward into the forests of
Lismore and Casino inland from the NSW far north coast. It is also the domain of
the Wolumbin giants.