From the Dreamtime the Yowie In Myth And Reality 
Well 1973
pitched scream-rocking Vehicle
In 1973 down at Woods Well
on the south-eastern South Australian coast, south-west of Tintinara,
Mr. Kim Rayner and his wife Ellaine were camping in thick scrub.
As they sat at their campfire
around midnight they were suddenly startled by a high-pitched scream
which lasted 15 minutes, ending in a gutteral sound. At this, the Rayners
climbed into there utility and locked the doors. Rabbits they had with
them in a cage outside on the ground were very agitated.
Suddenly something was pushing at the rear of their vehicle, rocking
it up and down. All they could see through the back window was a huge
dark shape. The rocking ceased after a minute or so, and their mystery
intruder walked away into the encroaching scrub.
The Rayners remained in their
vehicle for along time, before emerging to gather their belongings including
the terrified rabbits, by torchlight and driving away.
Within days, other campers in the same area reported finding enormous
freshly-made manlike footprints in damp soil. At Tintinara a couple
of weeks later, a minibus load of people was startled one afternoon
when a 2.6 metre-tall hairy man-beast strode across a dirt road from
out of bushland in front of the vehicle.
group of primitive looking Hominids
Further south, and north
of Townsville on the coast, lies the town of Innisfail, many of whose
inhabitants for the past 100 years or so have believed in the "Milla
Milla Monster"-giant hairy hominids that Aborigines and early settlers
alike believed inhabited the rainforests and mountains of the region.
The 'hairy men" of the Innisfail district have been known collectively
as the Milla Milla Monster since the many reports of their activities
that were rife in the 1800's. During January 1990 two campers found
huge footprints of one of these monsterous man-beasts near Milla Milla,
for a time reviving many of the old stories
Innisfail July 1973: earlier, In July 1973, Innisfail residents were
alarmed when Bill Towns, a bushwalker, and "Mark", a mate,
sighted a group of primitive-looking hominids, comprising a small male,
a larger seven-foot male as well as a small female and a larger, seven-foot
female, moving through a rainforest late one afternoon.
This is what happened in Bill's own words:
"We were hiking through forest on the edge of a sugar-cane field
above an embankment next to a creek. Mark suddenly stopped me. 'Quick
ahead of you,' he said." "There was something moving in the
bushes near us next to the track. Then, barely a few feet away, a large
hairy male creature emerged onto the track, pushing a side the foliage
on either side of it as it did so.
"We were terrified and stood fixed to the spot as the creature,
a seven-foot male with large genitals visible, looked at us then slid
down the embankment and into the creek. As it stood in the creek it
let out a loud howling sound towards the forest behind us.
"As he did so, a smaller male appeared of about five-foot {1.2
metres} height, and then a female of about seven feet {2.3 metres},
and a smaller five-foot female, all of whom assembled on the opposite
bank of the creek, looked up at us, then ran off up the bank and into
forest cover. The adult and smaller males then re-appeared and began
screeching at us.
"By now we were looking about us for some large pieces of wood
with which to defend ourselves. The big muscular male was by now screeching
all the more and shaking a tree with rage. He then dashed back along
the creek towards us, and we ran off in terror.
However, he may have only
wanted to frighten us, as he did not climb the embankment."
stone-age Campsite
on the upper Barwon River, 158 km south of the Qld border and west of
Moree, was the scene, early in 1973 of the remarkable discovery by bushman
Mr Bill Berrell, of an apparent modern stone-age campsite, from which
he retrieved a number of freshly made stone axes and clubs.
It is significant
that this region has long been claimed to be the habitat of a 'lost'
tribe of still-wild Aborigines. Such tales are not entirely unlikely
in this region.
Further west
of Moree, in the Bulloo Channels country of north-western NSW, stories
of 'lost' tribes of Aborigines date back over 70 years to the time when
an Aborigine was found in the area who had never seen a white man before. The Bulloo Channels
are in the Delalah district, an area where there have been a number
of sightings over many years, sometimes of a group of more than three
natives carrying spears and boomerangs or of single individuals.
Mr Berrell gave
me a stone cleaver and other 'recent' stone tools found by him at the
site. The Brewarrina area has also been another 'hairy man' locale since
pioneer days.
hairy haired Figure
About half way between the
Gold Coast and Brisbane lies Beenleigh. During 1973 people were reporting
visitations by a "big hairy thing" hunched and walking upon
two legs. Some people claim 'it' was
man-sized, others much taller. Perhaps more than one creature was involved
Meremangye Area 1973
hominid Footprints
I received a report of several
monstrous, 50cm long, fresh hominid footprints found in a dry creek
bed near Lake Meremangye, by a group of mineral surveyors. Some Aborigines
differed over whether these tracks had been left by a Narragun rather
than a Tjangara.
Willougby-Oodnadatta area1973
man-like Footprints
However, there was no doubt
over a number of tracks found one day in 1973, by a busman/explorer
from Qld, Ken Francis.
In 1977
he gave me the following alarming report:
"I had found fresh dingo
tracks at a waterhole at Mt Willoughby west of Oodnadatta and out of
interest attempted to follow them. They led along a dried creek bed
and at times I lost them among rocks. Then, when I picked up the
trail again I found they crossed over a set of enormous man-like footprints
heading down from a rocky hillside and then leading off in the same
general direction. I estimated the footprints measured about 60cm in
They were no more than an
hour old." "I was by now 3km from
my 4-wheel drive vehicle, my camera and a .22 rifle with it, but I had
my water bottle and decided to carefully follow the tracks." "They led on out of
the creek across intermittent mulga and soil, becoming indistinct at
times, until they reached a waterhole. Here in drying mud they were
very clear. It was apparent the owner of the tracks had only recently
left the scene.
There were impressions in
the mud consistent with a large creature drinking on all fours." "From here the footprints
led off over a hill of rocks and it took me some time to pick them up
again on the other side. They led off across flat featureless country.
And then I saw him - a tall black-haired figure - I estimated a height
of at least 4m, lurching far across the plain.
He couldn't be more than
15 minutes ahead of me, I thought, but the fear of meeting up with such
a monster, unarmed as I was, overcame me and I hastily re-traced my
steps. I had covered about 6km." "I returned the following
day with two men and an old Aboriginal tracker that I had met at a country
hotel. The old black man took one look at the tracks and turned pale. "Narragun, Narragun
alright", he said, and suggested we leave the area immediately."
Highlands New Guinea 1973
smoked head of a Mabi
In 1973 natives informed
Europeans at Goroka that, up in the mountains there was the smoked head
of a Mabi displayed on a pole.
The story goes that a village
elder observed that a male Mabi came regularly from out of the bush
to drink from a creek at a certain spot, leaving his large footprints
in the mud. One day the elder hid close by with a large rock. The Mabi appeared, and as
he squatted down to drink, the man dashed forward and crashed the rock
on the manbeast's head, killing him. He afterwards removed the head
to smoke and display it at his village.
In another startling incident,
claimed by natives to have taken place in the Mt Hagen region, but which
was not reported until some years after the event, about 1965 a 1.8m
tall female Mabi is said to have been captured by hunters and held captive
in their village, where she eventually gave birth to a male child of
one of the men.
As he grew older the boy
looked completely unlike a normal human. He died of some disease about
1973. The beast woman had however long since wandered off into the bush
never to return.