From the Dreamtime the Yowie In Myth And Reality 
The Chi-Chi's
are known to construct crude shelters out of bamboo. Crude stone tools
left by these hominids where they have sheltered, sometimes alongside
campfires, have been reported found in caves and rock overhangs.
They resemble
Homo erectus tools similar to those associated with recently-abandoned
campsites uncovered in Australia, as reported in earlier chapters.
of the droppings left by Chi-Chi's show they subsist upon an omnivorous
diet of berries and other vegetable 'bush tucker' and meat.
In the Qinling
Mountains peasants know that the Chi-Chi's are particularly on the move
during autumn and winter, when wild chestnuts are found on the groung.
They believe these hominids never willingly attack people unless someone
chances to wander into 'their' territory, or that their young are secreted
away nearby.
The peasants
warn travellers that, if they should come face-to-face with one of these
"Wild People", they should give the Chi-Chi food to show them
that they mean no harm.
"wild man" Chi-Chi
In the spring
of 1943, one Zhang Yujin was with a party of soldiers, who shot a 'Wild
Man' in the Shennongjia district. A second, possibly a female escaped.
When the soldiers examined the dead Chi-Chi, they found it to be as
tall as a human being, the whole body being covered in dark red hair.
The palms of
its hands and soles of its feet were covered with thick white calluses,
while the fingers and toes had pointed nails, Zhang Yujin said later.