From the Dreamtime the Yowie In Myth And Reality 
Wadbilliga Scrub
tall-young looking-brownish haired-small breasted ape-woman
An Aboriginal, Graham Foster, informed the authors in November 2001 that, back in 1995 he and a mate had an encounter with a “hairy man”.
To quote Graham: “We were camped in the Wadbilliga scrub one night when we distinctly heard someone walking through the bush, out there in the dark.
It frightened the life out of us. Whatever it was, and it sounded like a human, it was coming down the scrub-covered hillside above where we were camped. We were camped on the edge of a creek, and the being came down out of the scrub near our camp and jumped over the creek.
We had torches with us and also rifles. We failed to catch the being with our torches, and we would not have been able to fire our rifles because we could not see where the intruder was, but we realised afterwards that it was not going to harm us.
We listened as it crashed its way through bushes on an opposite hillside then re-crossing the creek further down from where it had jumped across before, it then proceeded to climb up through the scrub behind us.
We listened in silence as the ‘hairy man’ continued on into the distance to the summit, then move over the other side.
We certainly had an uncomfortable night thereafter and kept a lookout. At first light we packed up and got out of there quickfast!, said Graham.