From the Dreamtime the Yowie In Myth And Reality 
Research Findings 1987
erectus in Australia
From highly technical DNA
research findings published in 1987, leading American geneticist, Dr
Allan C Wilson [University of Hawaii], suggests genetic traits among
the Australian Aborigines point to the earlier presence of Homo erectus
on this continent.
He is joined by Oxford University,
UK scientist Dr. Jeremy Cherfas, who suggests Homo erectus may have
entered Australia by 400,000 years ago, to evolve into the earliest
modern humans, who eventually spread out into the rest of the world.
To date , all that has been
lacking to complete the anthropological gap in Australian human prehistory
knowledge, to the satisfaction of scientists, has been the discovery
of actual Homo erectus fossil remains.
I believe I now have that
Research Findings 1987
metre tall hairyman-like Monster
Stories of the still-wild
Negrito people of Queensland's far north aside, of all the mysteries
of this vast, inaccessible region, none is more mysterious to the inhabitants
than those of the 'hairy man', or Imjim, and the even more gigantic
"Don't travel on the
road at night, or you might meet up with the 'hairy man'," local
cattlemen and others tell visitors to Cooktown!
Old Aboriginal traditions
tell of 'Turrmullies' inhabiting the Black Mountains and roaming the
vast tracts of scrubland of the Cooktown hinterland. Their often huge
footprints have been claimed found on the banks of the Annan River west
of the town.
By day locals move about
these areas and on remote cattle stations - often with firearms for
protection - and by night they prefer the safety of their homes.
Many Cooktown and Mt Molloy
locals maintain that groups of Imjim still inhabit the Lookout Range
west of the town, from whence they emerge to roam the forests on the
outskirts of Cooktown.
"They also move about
in the Battle Camp Range. I've heard of sightings from old-timers long
ago around Lakeland [on the western side of the range].
There have also been some
young blokes out camping on Butchers Hill a few years back, who were
frightened out of their socks at the sight of a 7ft [2.1m] tall hairy
man-like monster.
They said he emerged from
bushes near their camp at sundown, stood and looked at them, then casually
walked away into the surrounding scrub," said one old timer, Jimmy
Archer, in a letter to me in 1987.
Robinson Interview 1987
Jim-the little hairy People
Side by side with the giants
there also dwelt the 'little hairy people'. Known in many parts of the
Gulf country across into Arnhem Land and the Kimberley as the 'Jim Jim',
the "little hairy people" are often confused with the Mimi,
the fairy fold or stick people that live in caverns, and who emerge
at night to drag unwary Aborigines down into their underground world
to devour them!
The "little hairy people"
gave their name to Jim Jim Falls where, I was informed by noted explorer
Allan Robinson in 1987, the pygmy folk are believed to inhabit the territory
above the falls, situated on the South Alligator River 180 miles south-east
of Darwin, in Kakadoo National Park.