From the Dreamtime the Yowie In Myth And Reality 
District 1953
huge five-toed Footprints
The Scottsdale
district was one of these no-go areas in the old times, I am told by
Mr Joe Grant now of Melbourne, but for many years a backpacker in the
north-east forests. In 1989 he told me the following story: "I was
camping out in the scrub north of Scottsdale one week in January 1953.
I was filling
my water canteen in a creek when I suddenly found embedded a couple
of inches deep in the sand right next to me, a huge five-toed footprint.
Several more were nearby and they couldn't have been more than a day
old. They measured about 40 cm in length by about 17 cm in width."
were signs that the maker of the footprints had squatted down to drink
at the water's edge." "I felt
distinctly uneasy and left the place just as soon as I could, for I
figured that, if the feet impressions were genuine, the bloke that made
them was much bigger than my 5 ft 10 in height, and might still be lurking
not very far away!"
"A few
years later I got talking to a mate, Dave Hill, in Launceston. He was
raised in the bush and knew a lot about the north-east wilderness. He'd
seen a 'tiger' thereabouts on one occasion in the '40s' and when I told
him about the footprints he said there were a few more similar reports
from that area."
"He had
heard that an 8 ft tall blackish-brown, long-haired 'apeman' had been
claimed seen by campers in the bush outside Derby to the east of Scottsdale
in 1949.
This incident,
he said, for a time revived old bushmen's yarns of the district; like
one that happened back in 1893, when a timber cutter was supposed to
have been grabbed from behind by one of these creatures, while he was
resting on a log outside his isolated hut.
He beat off
his attacker - a 7 ft tall hairy, muscular brute - with a spare axe
handle he managed to grab, and escaped with bruises and scratches; resulting
he claimed, from the grip of the man-beast's strong arms and hands with
long, dirty fingernails."
Range-Sawarak Region 1953
man Ape
In the Penamba
Range of the Sarawak region in 1953, a "(ft tall [2.75m] hairy
man-ape" terrified a young hunter on a bush track. The youth fired
his .22 rifle at the 'manimal' but 'it' kept coming at him. At this
the hunter, now the 'hunted' took to his heels.
Having escaped,
he afterwards reported his experience to a plantation owner, who told
him that "nothing short of a .303 would have dropped the monster"!